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shogi-server source

Recent Commits RSS

Rev. Time Author Message
34bcc76 2020-12-30 14:48:47 Mizar dlshogi_tcpkeepalive game wip
e549c6d 2020-12-14 20:42:55 Mizar Handle timeout checks when executing KeepAlive and Space ...
f1c8435 2020-12-14 20:42:55 Mizar Check for :timeout often 60秒おきに空行を送信して接続を維...
53787ee 2020-12-14 20:42:55 Mizar hide server recv timeout log from console
23b86a8 2020-12-14 20:42:55 Mizar ignore second select (for windows issue)
360533d 2020-12-14 20:42:55 Mizar work for Windows wip
5c8ecd5 2020-12-14 20:42:55 Mizar tcp_keepalive
a0a5c3c 2020-12-14 20:42:55 Mizar listen ipv4/ipv6
103acd9 2020-12-12 22:54:49 TadaoYamaoka 開始局面対応
21b07a8 2020-12-12 21:49:44 TadaoYamaoka 開始局面対応

Recently edited Tags

Name Rev. Time Author
20180407 7bf33b2 2018-04-07 15:17:46 Daigo Moriwaki
20170902 2d5cda5 2017-09-03 16:05:20 Daigo Moriwaki
20160409 1899be1 2016-04-09 13:03:38 Daigo Moriwaki
20151213 a0947c4 2015-12-13 21:28:20 Daigo Moriwaki
20150201 eb50791 2015-02-01 11:33:09 Daigo Moriwaki
20141227 ad33950 2014-12-27 22:10:00 Daigo Moriwaki
20141130 dd0c79d 2014-11-24 23:04:14 Daigo Moriwaki
20140726 852b091 2014-07-26 16:33:18 Daigo Moriwaki
20140107 cc5500d 2014-01-07 09:37:32 Daigo Moriwaki
20131221 051a0e7 2013-12-21 17:52:52 Daigo Moriwaki
20131215 75c514e 2013-12-15 11:38:14 Daigo Moriwaki
20131104 a3ef1ae 2013-11-04 18:49:32 Daigo Moriwaki
20121229 457848c 2012-12-30 17:24:33 Daigo Moriwaki
20101030 b0ba169 2010-10-30 20:11:39 daigo


Name Rev. Time Author Message
dlshogi_tcpkeepalive 34bcc76 2020-12-30 14:48:47 Mizar game wip
wdoor-stable 36b41e7 2020-12-06 18:48:46 Daigo Moriwaki Merge branch 'master' into ...
master b4af839 2020-12-06 18:37:55 Daigo Moriwaki [shogi-server] Bump up the ...
dlshogi_forkdev20201005 58e5f94 2020-10-05 00:19:43 Mizar bin/usiToCsa.rb: fix typo
pr_appkeepalivefix_20201004 7cd512b 2020-10-04 23:05:22 Mizar Improved timeout detection ...
pr_tcpkeepalive e37932a 2020-10-02 01:36:08 Mizar tcp_keepalive
pr_ipv6listen a38e0aa 2020-10-02 01:11:38 Mizar listen ipv4/ipv6
pr_appkeepalivefix a128e96 2020-10-02 01:11:22 Mizar Handle timeout checks when ...
tcpkeepalive c0cd524 2020-09-28 00:31:25 Mizar tcp_keepalive
dlshogi a0bc16b 2020-09-06 11:58:23 TadaoYamaoka kifファイルを分割して出力
201604-Fischer a6cb7fd 2015-12-13 21:30:38 Daigo Moriwaki Merge branch 'wdoor-stable'
201512-timeclock 3d228b2 2015-11-27 23:40:28 Daigo Moriwaki Fix #35795: A time consumed...
201312-usiToCsa f565a12 2013-12-17 22:46:22 Daigo Moriwaki Fixed issues on usiToCsa.rb...
copy d168a77 2013-02-24 17:42:43 Daigo Moriwaki Implemented a new command: ...


= Shogi-server project

The Shogi-server project develops Shogi-server, a rating tool and so on.

== Shogi-server

Shogi-server is a server that implements the Server Protocol Ver 1.2.1 defined
by Computer Shogi Association (CSA[http://www.computer-shogi.org/index_e.html]) 
in order for computer shogi players to play games.   

=== Pre-requires

Ruby 2.1 or later

For Debian,

  $ sudo aptitude install ruby

=== Install

  $ git clone git://git.sourceforge.jp/gitroot/shogi-server/shogi-server.git

The following files are required to run Shogi-server:

  - shogi-server
  - shogi_server.rb
  - shogi_server/**/*.rb

=== Run


Run the server with CSA Protocol V1.2 or later

  $ ./shogi-server hoge 4000

With CSA Protocol V1.1.2 or before

  $ ./shogi-server --max-moves 0 --least-time-per-move 1 hoge 4000

See others written in the 'shogi-server' file.

== Other tools

See documents at the head of each source file.

* mk_rate
* mk_html
* showgame

== Tests

Run the server

  $ ./shogi-server hoge 4000

Run test cases

  $ cd test
  $ ruby TC_ALL.rb


- ruby 2.0.0p481 (2014-05-08 revision 45883) [universal.x86_64-darwin13]
  Finished in 55.025733 seconds.
  383 tests, 1370 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
  100% passed
  6.96 tests/s, 24.90 assertions/s
  ruby TC_ALL.rb  1.97s user 0.34s system 4% cpu 55.424 total
2015-01-17  Daigo Moriwaki <daigo at debian dot org>