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Sample Conky (system monitor) configuration file with weather, CPU graph, memory graph, network traffic graph and processes

Commit MetaInfo

Revision46a5a304a72fda3e72e987fc2c82b30ed1205dee (tree)
Time2015-01-03 17:51:08
Authorshitamo <shitamo@user...>

Log Message

- fix filename

Change Summary

Incremental Difference

--- a/conkyrc
+++ b/conkyrc
@@ -98,9 +98,9 @@ ${color #d8e698}System information :${color #eae5e3}
9898 ${color #d8e698}${stippled_hr}
9999 ${color #d8e698}Device temperature :${color #eae5e3}
100100 ${execi 60 ~/.cache/hdddev.sh > ~/.cache/hddtemp.txt}\
101-${color #ffffff} CPU0:${color #eae5e3}${execi 60 sensors | grep -A 0 'Core0' | cut -c 14-22} ${color #ffffff}HDD1: ${color #eae5e3}${execi 60 sed -e '1!d' .cache/hddtemp.txt}.0℃
101+${color #ffffff} CPU0:${color #eae5e3}${execi 60 sensors | grep -A 0 'Core0' | cut -c 14-22} ${color #ffffff}HDD1: ${color #eae5e3}${execi 60 sed -e '1!d' ~/.cache/hddtemp.txt}.0℃
102102 ${color #ffffff} CPU1:${color #eae5e3}${execi 60 sensors | grep -A 0 'Core1' | cut -c 14-22} ${color #ffffff}HDD2: ${color #eae5e3}${execi 60 sed -e '2!d' ~/.cache/hddtemp.txt}.0℃
103-${color #ffffff} M/B :${color #eae5e3}${execi 60 sensors | grep -A 0 'MB' | cut -c 25-33} ${color #ffffff}HDD3: ${color #eae5e3}${execi 60 sed -e '3!d' .cache/hddtemp.txt}.0℃
103+${color #ffffff} M/B :${color #eae5e3}${execi 60 sensors | grep -A 0 'MB' | cut -c 25-33} ${color #ffffff}HDD3: ${color #eae5e3}${execi 60 sed -e '3!d' ~/.cache/hddtemp.txt}.0℃
104104 ${color #d8e698}${stippled_hr}
105105 ${color #d8e698}Weather report :${color #eae5e3}
106106 富山空港 ${weather http://weather.noaa.gov/pub/data/observations/metar/stations/ RJNT weather } ${weather http://weather.noaa.gov/pub/data/observations/metar/stations/ RJNT temperature} ℃