Viruses when compiling with gcc or g++
Did you read the ticket submission guidelines? If you did, you chose to ignore them, which isn't going to earn you any credibility here.
Did you check the GPG signatures of the package files you downloaded? We do not publish infected files, so if the signatures match, then perhaps you have infected what you uploaded to VirusTotal. Otherwise, VirusTotal is probably wrong. FWIW, I have absolutely zero confidence in VirusTotal, anyway, so I'm closing this, and will take no consequent action.
I downloaded mingw-get-setup.exe and used it to install gcc, g++, and MSYS. I compiled a simple binary which does nothing except print hello world and uploaded it to To my horror, virustotal found numerous positives in the hello world executables. I am almost positive that there is no way that virustotal would have this many false positives, so please look into rebuilding whatever part of MinGW is the source of this malware. Attached are links to the virustotal scans of basic hello world executables compiled with gcc and g++ from MinGW, along with whatever I could dredge up on the web pertaining to this.