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>>OSDN general help

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Wiki Help

All projects are provided with a Wiki system that, not just project members, but general users can use. You can use Trac, MoinMoin style syntax and the pages created can be exported as PDF files.

How to view

 You can see each project's Wiki from the project's Wiki menu or from the url https://osdn.net/projects/<projectname>/wiki/. The project's actual top page is "FrontPage". So if you want to edit the top page then edit FrontPage.

 Appended pages may be viewed at https://osdn.net/projects/<projectname>/wiki/<pagename>.

Creating new pages

 There are basically two methods of creating a new page, given below.

  • Enter the URL directly.
  • Create a link from a different page (e.g. FrontPage) then clicking that link to create it.

 When you enter a URL and that page does not exist, along with a 'page not found' message a 'create this page' link is shown. You can make the new page by clicking that link.

For more detail

 Explanations on using the Wiki system and Wiki syntax are found at WikiGuide, so see WikiGuide for more detailed information.