[Aime-devel] Impotence Medication problems

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Shana Ward sbkvx****@funky*****
2005年 2月 9日 (水) 12:42:27 JST

Did your mother tell you

V.I.o'X,X      25  m'g     3O  PillS  72.5o

V,1.A*G,R'A    100  m.g     32  PIL|S  149.Oo

C.1,A'L.1,S    20  m*g     1o  PI||S  79.OO

full comparison report :  http://matchmake.newyorkmedz.com/?wid=209015     ! Same Day Sh1pp1ng !

We AlsO have in Stock:
X*A.N'A.X      1  m*g       30  PILLS  79.OO

P.R.O.Z'A'C    2O  m.g    3o  Pil|S  11o.00

P'A.X*1.L       20  m'g      2o  PILLS  155.o0

M,E.R.I.D*I'A    1o  m'g       3o  P!|LS  147.oo


Amelia Thacker
ONCODESIGN, Dijon, France
Phone: 116-414-4595
Mobile: 131-146-2544
Email: sbkvx****@funky*****

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