Forums: English (Thread #33281)

mysql generate DDL error (2012-12-21 12:47 by Devin #66707)

my Amateras ERD version is 1.09, mysql is 5

generate DDL is

CREATE TABLE flow_tp_conf_rela(
src_comp_id INT(12) NOT NULL ,
child_comp_id INT(12) NOT NULL
) ;

ALTER TABLE flow_tp_conf_rela ADD CONSTRAINT IDX_flow_tp_conf_rela_PK PRIMARY KEY (id);
ALTER TABLE flow_tp_conf_rela ADD CONSTRAINT IDX_flow_tp_conf_rela_FK0 FOREIGN KEY (src_comp_id) REFERENCES flow_tp_conf_detail (id);
ALTER TABLE flow_tp_conf_rela ADD CONSTRAINT IDX_flow_tp_conf_rela_FK1 FOREIGN KEY (child_comp_id) REFERENCES flow_tp_conf_detail (id);

run it display:

SQL error [1075] [42000]: Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key
Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key

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