Advanced shop support.
Check that shops stock, sell and buy items as in Angband/64.
See also the following:
* Ticket #16394 Support specialist shop generation.
* #16395 Stock and buy (priest / mage) spells in (temple / magic shop)
* #16533 Consider implementing 'required item' system with chance.
* #16397 Check, and update as necessary, store owner information.
* #16396 Consider restoring haggle system.
* #16530 Unable to stock rods in shops.
Delaying one milestone.
Check that shops stock, sell and buy items as in Angband/64.
See also the following:
* Ticket #16394 Support specialist shop generation.
* #16395 Stock and buy (priest / mage) spells in (temple / magic shop)
* #16533 Consider implementing 'required item' system with chance.
* #16397 Check, and update as necessary, store owner information.
* #16396 Consider restoring haggle system.
* #16530 Unable to stock rods in shops.