[Apollo-talk] Calling another form from mainform

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Take_tk ggb03****@nifty*****
Fri Oct 4 17:27:08 JST 2002

Third reply.. (^^;

> In the btn.on_click event in the above example, how can I access the 'Parent
> form'?

  When you want to know "Parent", Object#methods is convinient.

def btn.on_click

  p    self
  puts self.methods.select{|n| /parent/i =~ n }.sort

    #=> #<Phi::Button:0x10accb8>
    #=> parent
    #=> parent=
    #=> parent_bi_di_mode
    #=> parent_bi_di_mode=
    #=> parent_bi_di_mode?
    #=> parent_font
    #=> parent_font=
    #=> parent_font?
    #=> parent_form   .. <= what ?
    #=> parent_show_hint
    #=> parent_show_hint=
    #=> parent_show_hint?
  lookupform = Form.new

Take_tk = KUMAGAI Hidetake

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