[Dmonkey-dev] Clovis as being unnecessarily tactless. "

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Willmon Bairos never****@rfl-a*****
2010年 4月 11日 (日) 19:27:15 JST

Owing representation of the Fall of Icarus. The design, when finally
developed, was a slight disappointment to Monsieur
Deplis, who had suspected Icarus of being a fortress taken by
Wallenstein in the Thirty Years' War, but he was more than satisfied
with the execution of the work, which was acclaimed

by all who had the privilege of seeing it as Pincini's masterpiece. "It
was his greatest effort,
and his last. Without even waiting to be paid, the illustrious
craftsman departed this life, and was buried under an ornate tombstone,
winged cherubs would have afforded singularly little scope for the
exercise of his favourite art. There remained,

however, the widow

Pincini, to whom the six hundred francs were due.
And thereupon arose the great crisis in the life of Henri Deplis,
traveller of commerce. The legacy, under the stress of numerous little
calls on its substance, had dwindled to very insignificant proportions,
and when a pressing wine bill and sundry other current accounts had
been paid, there remained little more than 430 francs to offer to the
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