[exerb-eng:0069] [PATCH] Exerb support for Kernel#load and absolute paths in require

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John Whitley whitl****@acm*****
Fri Mar 9 04:28:05 JST 2007

Hi Yuya and other Exerb people!

In the course of a project at my fine employer, Tableau Software  
(http://www.tableausoftware.com/), I have extended Exerb 4.1.0 to  
support Kernel#load, and to preserve absolute pathnames in require/ 
load.  I am extremely happy to be able to contribute these changes  
back to the project.

**These changes are sufficient to load and run an entire Rails  

However, the work is still in progress; #load does not yet support  
the 'wrap' parameter.  Also, I've only made changed the Ruby 1.8  
runtime, not 1.9 or 2.0 yet.

The absolute path support was needed to handle Rails code like this:

require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'some_file.rb')

The attached patch is against Exerb 4.1.0.  I'd be happy to redo the  
patch against CVS if that helps.

-- John Whitley

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