[exerb-eng:0072] Re: EXERB and TK

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peter glass****@yahoo*****
Mon Feb 11 12:29:49 JST 2008

thanks for your reply
yes the first step have produced the file butn.exy
but the butn.exe produced from the second step have issued a message:
tk.rb:891: no such file to load -- tk/event (LoadError)
even tk.rb exist somewhere in the ruby directory.
  i have tried another utility rubyscript2exe, and as in its documentation in http://www.erikveen.dds.nl/rubyscript2exe/index.html
i put the rubyscript2exe.rb within the same directory as butn.rb and in the dos prompt:
ruby rubyscript2exe.rb butn.rb --rubyscript2exe-tk
so it will make butn.exe, it is a successful exe but have a big size of about 3 MB,

John Whitley <whitl****@acm*****> wrote:
  Peter wrote:

> hi
> i am trying to make the following code to an exe

Hi Peter,

If your code require's any other ruby code or externals (eg. the 'tk' 
lib), you need to use the two-step process with exerb. This means:

1) use the mkexy module to create a butn.exy "recipe" file like so:

ruby -rexerb/mkexy butn.rb # creates butn.exy

The recipe file is a YAML file that records the dependencies of your 
script during the mkexy session. This includes both Ruby code and 
required Ruby external modules. A one-step 'exerb' run assumes that 
the script is simple and entirely self-contained; the two-step 
process is necessary for any really interesting Ruby code.

For convenience, exerb has a 'mkexy' script that does the same as the 

mkexy butn.rb

2) Run exerb on the .exy recipe file produced by step 1:

exerb butn.exy # creates butn.exe with the dependencies 

Give that a try; I'd like to hear how it works for you.

-- John

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