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Project Description

Exerb is the software which converts scripts/extension-libraries of the object oriented language Ruby into a 32 bits Windows executable file which can execute alone and independently.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

Released at 2003-10-31 02:18
exerb 3.0.0-preview1 (1 files Hide)

Release Notes

Exerb 3.0.0-preview1



* フルスクラッチから再開発
* インポートテーブル置換処理を変更
* リソースライブラリ機能を追加
* プラグイン機能を追加
* exerbコマンドのオプションを変更
* 拡張子を変更
* Rubyを1.8.1-preview1に変更
* install.rbをsetup.rb(3.2.1)に変更