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Project Description

ContiPerf is a lightweight testing utility to easily leverage JUnit 4 test cases as performance tests, e.g. for continuous performance testing. It is inspired by JUnit 4's easy test configuration with annotations, and by JUnitPerf's idea of wrapping Unit tests for performance testing, but is more powerful and easier to use. It uses Java annotations for defining test execution characteristics and performance requirements. You can mark a test to run a certain number of times, or to be repeatedly executed for a certain amount of time. Performance requirements can be maximum, average, medium, or any percentile execution time. You can run tests in two different modes, using them as simple unit tests or performance tests. Easy integration with Eclipse and Maven. Export of an execution summary to a CSV file. A small library without external dependencies (only JUnit).

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-09-12 22:37

This release provides consistent behavior among JUnit releases 4.7-4.9 and is able to create HTML reports with statistical summaries and latency distribution charts.
Tags: Major

2010-07-13 19:19

This release provides improvements in the framework's performance, resource allocation, and measurement precision.

2010-05-26 18:00

By annotating a class, you can provide defaults that apply for all its test methods. Tests can be combined to test suites, optionally adding performance test definitions and requirements.
Tags: Stable, new features

2010-04-19 18:14

This version supports multithreaded test execution for such things as concurrency tests. The syntax is "@PerfTest(invocations= 100, threads = 20)".

2010-04-08 22:53

This release fixes some minor bugs that may occur when calling the ContiPerf classes programmatically.
Tags: minor bug fixes

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