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Project Description

etm is an acronym for Event and Task Manager. It provides a simple, intuitive format for using plain text files to store event, task, and other data items, a command line interface for viewing stored information in a variety of convenient ways, and a cross-platform, PyQt-based GUI for creating and modifying items as well as viewing them. Displayed items can be grouped by date, context, keyword, or project and can be filtered in various ways. A display of busy and free times is also supported, as is a ledger view of time spent that is suitable for client billing. Alarms are supported for events and repetition for both events and tasks in a powerful and flexible manner.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-03-17 06:44

This release fixes a bug in dealing with leading whitespace in @n (note) entries. It stopps erroneous clearing of the undo buffer for some actions. The latter bug made it necessary to modify the contents of the entry panel before Shift-Enter would actually submit the entry.
Tags: Minor bugfixes

2012-02-16 10:45

This release clears an undo buffer after automatic insertions in item creation to permit cancelling without confirmation, only preserves newlines in note fields and preserves leading whitespace there, and fixes a bug which caused "use_ampm=False" in etmrc to be ignored.
Tags: Minor bugfixes

2012-02-10 07:57

This release clears the selection after cancel to prevent it being used as the default for the next item creation. It saves current viewing options and restores them after search or data reload. It removes a bad page reference in HTML creation.
Tags: minor bug fixes

2012-01-25 06:58

This release fixes a bug in the command line interface that affected loading data.
Tags: Minor bugfixes

2011-12-21 07:07

This release modifies the GUI busy panel and busy report to reflect user set filters. It changes the distribution from setuptools to distutils. It fixes a bug in sorting undated tasks.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements and bug fixes

Project Resources