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Project Description

JSimLife is an advanced biological life simulation. In JSimLife, every life form is a cell. Every cell is a Sprite and it has a Brain and a Dna object. Every Cell's aspects are stored in a Dna (Dna is a Vector of parameters). Cells are able to reproduce themselves using methods provides by the Dna class. The user can change the Simulation Parameter, create new DNA, create new types of cells, and save or load simulations and DNA.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-01-11 12:22

The class was rewritten using the MVC pattern. All classes and package directories were renamed. HTML JavaDoc was added for API documentation. The AbstractAction class is now used to perform every game action. A JTable was added for displaying statistical information in the control panel. The license notice was fixed in all files. A dynamic splash screen was added and many minor bugs were fixed.
Tags: Stable, Major

2010-12-25 15:14

this release added a Zetatron type with a 10 neurons network. Up to 125 Zetatrons can be used at the same time. XML DNA can now be saved and loaded for artificial selection. A JTree viewer was added for showing DNA. Automatic name and color choice was added to the New Cell dialog/ Several GUI features were added and many bugs were fixed.
Tags: Major, Stable

2010-12-10 17:58

JLifeToolbar was added as an iconed JToolbar. JLifeLeftControlPanel was removed. BottomPanel now only shows the cell count number. The Zlife and Zretador class now has a short, friendly description. JFrameNewCell now shows a short summary of the selected Zlife's type. A preferences frame was added to save and set some of JSimLife's parameters. The Step feature was added. A lot of small bugs were fixed.
Tags: Stable, GUI, Major

2010-12-07 12:04

The JFrameStatistic now show several charts, chosen using a JComboBox. Zlifes now change direction when they collide. Statistics for loaded games are now correct. Initial Zlifes parameters were moved into an Add New Cell dialog. Statistics are now automatically updated into the JRightControlPanel using a Timer. Zlife now spends more energy if moving faster. Several bugs were fixed.
Tags: mayor, Milestone, Stable

2010-12-03 06:48

This release adds a Zredator type of ZLife. It updates the AddCell panel. It fixes a bug that set Zlife's speed to zero. Zlife transform into seeds after death. Many small bugs have been fixed. Statistical data has been improved. Some IndexOutOfBoundsException issues have been fixed.
Tags: Stable, Major

Project Resources