Project Description

Scorched 3D is a modernization of the classic DOS game Scorched Earth ("The Mother Of All Games"). It incorporates a lively three dimensional landscape that includes animated jets, naval vessels, water, and even birds, in addition to detailed tanks and projectiles. Other enhancements include LAN and Internet play and music.

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2014-03-04 00:52
Review by maruhiro

(5 of 9 people found this review helpful)
3Dの地形の上で方位角、仰角、発射速度を選択してミサイルを撃ち合うゲーム。Scorched Earthというゲームのリメイクだそうだが、ベーマガ投稿ゲーム「砦の攻防」の3D版と言ったほうがわかりやすい人もいるかもしれない。
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