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Project Description

The SOAP to CORBA bridge/translator is written entirely in C++ and shows that it is indeed possible to do a generic translation of SOAP requests to CORBA method invocations and vice versa. This is implemented by using the CORBA Interface repository to match the incoming SOAP request to the corresponding CORBA service, build the dynamic invocation of the CORBA service, and generate the SOAP response (or possibly SOAP fault in the case of a CORBA user exception, for instance).

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2001-10-16 14:57

Inheritance of the implementation classes have been altered to fix compilation bugs with current release of Orbacus (4.1.0).
Tags: Prototype, Minor bugfixes

2001-09-19 16:07

Issue with order of the SOAP head and body parts being reversed in the SOAP response was fixed.
Tags: Prototype, Major bugfixes

2001-08-14 21:42

An important file that was missing was added. A binary release for RedHat 7.0
and 7.1 was made.
Tags: Prototype, Minor bugfixes

2001-08-06 23:33

The SoapBridge has undergone a complete rewrite. The new version is production-level code. There is also new functionality: the bridge has become two-way. You can now call SOAP servers from CORBA clients as well as call CORBA servers from SOAP clients. Other new features are configurable logging and a very flexible configuration system. GNU autoconf has been used to make it easier to compile the SoapBridge on your platform.
Tags: Prototype, Major feature enhancements

2001-05-10 23:37

A bug was fixed that prevented calling methods with mixed complex/simple parameters. Two missing files have been added to the source archives.
Tags: Prototype, Major bugfixes

Project Resources