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Project Description

Admin is entirely written in Java. It uses Swing GUI Components and JDBC to connect to databases. It has been succesfully tested with MySQL, Derby, InstantDB, Oracle, Empress, MS SQL Server, and PostgreSQL. You can have a tree view of the RDBMS or pick a single instance to have a look at its metadata. It allows you to create, modify, and drop tables and to create indices on a table. The dynamic form makes it easy to enter data into a certain table, and the guided query makes it easy to retrieve data from a table and to export it. Java developers will probably enjoy the code generator doing an OO relational wrapper and a swing GUI for them. There is a tool with which SQL statements can be enriched with a few commands, generating a GUI to easily select data from a DB. You can also export and import data and transport it from one DBMS to another.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-01-22 16:44

The number of connections can now be defined. If this number is exceeded, the connections are cycled. This means that Admin can now be used on an RDBMS without exceeding the number of connections allowed by the license. java.util.logging is now used. AlterTable is now more compatible with different RDBMS. Some fixes were made within the code generator. StackTraces now popup in a window and offer much more information. SimpleLogServer, which captures a logrecord configured to be sent by java.util.logging.SocketHandler, was added. A DashBoard for MySQL is now available.
Tags: Major feature enhancements

2002-06-30 21:29

The CodeGenerator now features an editor to modify
the Swing GUI before code generation. This editor
displays the XML file as a tree, and allows the
user to modify panel and component nodes. The user
can insert additional panels, and can cut and
paste components from one panel into another.
There is also a preview feature which displays the
changes before applying them.
Tags: Major feature enhancements

2002-03-15 10:59

In this release, there is better PostgreSQL integration, better image handling, better properties handling, the confusion when changing the driver is gone, "one click to connect" is now working, some enhancements were added for instantDB, and some tests added for RMI-JDBC.
Tags: Minor bugfixes

2002-01-16 01:55

This release has been repackaged into different main packages, which allows one to more easily find a tour in admin and to simplify its use. There is a completely new code generator tool. It now generates a better SQL wrapper, using prepared statements and delivering additional features. There is also generation of a JTableModel that allows a direct write back to the DB in a JTable, and a new and better Swing form that is much more flexible. All the generation can now be done in one run, and is based on a generated and editable XML file.
Tags: Major feature enhancements

2001-12-03 23:44

This release includes bugfixes in SqlMonitor, SelectDriver, and SingleColumnInfo.
Tags: Minor bugfixes

Project Resources