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Project Description

YML (Why a Markup Language?!) is an easy language
to compile into XML. YSLT is an easy language for
code generation, automating your software
development tasks.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-10-03 01:20

yml2c and yml2proc are now normalizing the Unicode output using NFC as default. There is a new switch -n where you can declare a normalization to use or none to avoid that step.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements, Stable

2011-09-29 06:09

Minor bugfixes.
Tags: Minor bugfixes, Stable

2011-09-15 10:17

A Standard Function Library was implemented. There are some syntax additions like Pointers without tags.
Tags: Major, Stable

2011-08-09 07:12

This release adds extra syntax for the include directive.
Tags: Stable, Minor

2011-08-03 06:18

This release is based on pyPEG 1.4. Some more loose syntax for function calls has been added.
Tags: Stable

Project Resources