GabeeOS is a rolling-release Void-based Linux distribution (spin) , which brings the necessary software to satisfy the daily needs of an end user; in a simple and aesthetically pleasing desktop environment. Login to LiveCD user: anon password: gabeeoslinux
For install: Open the terminal and type sudo gabeeos-installer.
To install the packages for the desktop environment, choose the "local install" option.
Keyboard shortcuts
gabeeOS Linux has two layouts. A clean and simple desktop, in the style of windows manager, but with all the power of a desktop manager like Gnome. And the classic Gnome desk, with the top bar and dock. To activate Gnome Layout, just press Spr + Z. On the contrary, Sup + X will return to the simple desktop.
All keyboard shortcuts, such as the alias for the XBPS package manager, are described in the conky help. The conky help can be hidden or shown by pressing CTRL + ALT + H (hide) or CTRL + ALT + S (show).