[Gauche-devel-jp] Re: letと再帰

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Shiro Kawai shiro****@lava*****
2004年 1月 17日 (土) 13:47:14 JST



RCS file: /cvsroot/gauche/Gauche/src/vm.c,v
retrieving revision 1.203
diff -u -r1.203 vm.c
--- vm.c	8 Dec 2003 21:13:17 -0000	1.203
+++ vm.c	17 Jan 2004 04:45:33 -0000
@@ -1459,37 +1459,54 @@
                                     ScmEnvFrame *env_begin,
                                     ScmContFrame *cont_begin)
-    ScmEnvFrame *e = env_begin, *prev = NULL, *head = env_begin, *saved;
+    ScmEnvFrame *e = env_begin, *prev = NULL, *next, *head = env_begin, *saved;
     ScmContFrame *c = cont_begin;
     ScmObj *s;
     ScmCStack *cstk;
     ScmEscapePoint *eh;
-    int esize, bsize;
+    if (!IN_STACK_P((ScmObj*)e)) return e;
-    for (; IN_STACK_P((ScmObj*)e); e = e->up) {
-        esize = e->size;
-        bsize = ENV_SIZE(esize) * sizeof(ScmObj);
+    /* First pass - move envs in stack to heap.  After env is moved,
+       the location of 'up' pointer in the env frame in the stack
+       contains the new location of env frame, so that the env pointers
+       in continuation frames will be adjusted in the second pass.
+       Such forwarded pointer is indicated by env->size == -1. */
+    do {
+        int esize = e->size;
+        int bsize = ENV_SIZE(esize) * sizeof(ScmObj);
         s = SCM_NEW2(ScmObj*, bsize);
         memcpy(s, ENV_FP(e), bsize);
         saved = (ScmEnvFrame*)(s + esize);
-        for (c = cont_begin; c; c = c->prev) {
-            if (c->env == e) c->env = saved;
+        if (prev) prev->up = saved;
+        if (e == env_begin) head = saved;
+        next = e->up;
+        e->up = prev = saved; /* forwarding pointer */
+        e->size = -1;         /* indicates forwarded */
+        e->info = SCM_FALSE;  /* clear pointer for GC */
+        e = next;
+    } while (IN_STACK_P((ScmObj*)e));
+    /* Second pass - scan continuation frames in the stack, and forwards
+       env pointers */
+    for (c = cont_begin; IN_STACK_P((ScmObj*)c); c = c->prev) {
+        if (IN_STACK_P((ScmObj*)(c->env)) && c->env->size == -1) {
+            c->env = c->env->up;
-        for (cstk = vm->cstack; cstk; cstk = cstk->prev) {
-            for (c = cstk->cont; c; c = c->prev) {
-                if (!IN_STACK_P((ScmObj*)c)) break;
-                if (c->env == e) c->env = saved;
+    }
+    for (cstk = vm->cstack; cstk; cstk = cstk->prev) {
+        for (c = cstk->cont; IN_STACK_P((ScmObj*)c); c = c->prev) {
+            if (IN_STACK_P((ScmObj*)(c->env)) && c->env->size == -1) {
+                c->env = c->env->up;
-        for (eh = vm->escapePoint; eh; eh = eh->prev) {
-            for (c = eh->cont; c; c = c->prev) {
-                if (!IN_STACK_P((ScmObj*)c)) break;
-                if (c->env == e) c->env = saved;
+    }
+    for (eh = vm->escapePoint; eh; eh = eh->prev) {
+        for (c = eh->cont; IN_STACK_P((ScmObj*)c); c = c->prev) {
+            if (IN_STACK_P((ScmObj*)(c->env)) && c->env->size == -1) {
+                c->env = c->env->up;
-        if (e == env_begin) head = saved;
-        if (prev) prev->up = saved;
-        prev = saved;
     return head;

Gauche-devel-jp メーリングリストの案内
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