[Groonga-commit] droonga/droonga.org at 58d6297 [gh-pages] Write about request logging in input adapter

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Yoji Shidara null+****@clear*****
Mon Feb 3 17:29:05 JST 2014

Yoji Shidara	2014-02-03 17:29:05 +0900 (Mon, 03 Feb 2014)

  New Revision: 58d6297e2ae26f76c17c029254773e55247775bf

    Write about request logging in input adapter

  Modified files:

  Modified: tutorial/plugin-development/input-output/index.md (+30 -0)
--- tutorial/plugin-development/input-output/index.md    2014-02-03 16:37:23 +0900 (f35b7a2)
+++ tutorial/plugin-development/input-output/index.md    2014-02-03 17:29:05 +0900 (7e2a45b)
@@ -150,6 +150,36 @@ If you have [jq][] installed, you can use `jq` instead of `tr`:
     jq -c . search-columbus.json | fluent-cat starbucks.message
+## Do something in the plugin
+The plugin we have created do nothing so far. Let's get the plugin to do some interesting.
+Firse of all, trap `search` request and log it. Update the plugin like below:
+module Droonga
+  class ExampleInputAdapterPlugin < Droonga::InputAdapterPlugin
+    repository.register("example", self)
+    command "search" => :adapt_request
+    def adapt_request(input_message)
+      $log.info "ExampleInputAdapterPlugin", message: input_message
+    end
+  end
+And restart fluentd, then send the request same as the previous. You will see something like below fluentd's log:
+2014-02-03 16:56:27 +0900 [info]: ExampleInputAdapterPlugin message=#<Droonga::InputMessage:0x007ff36a38cb28 @raw_message={"body"=>{"queries"=>{"result"=>{"output"=>{"limit"=>-1, "attributes"=>["_key"], "elements"=>["startTime", "elapsedTime", "count", "attributes", "records"]}, "condition"=>{"matchTo"=>"_key", "query"=>"Columbus"}, "source"=>"Store"}}}, "replyTo"=>{"type"=>"search.result", "to"=>"localhost:24224/output"}, "type"=>"search", "dataset"=>"Starbucks", "id"=>"search"}>
+2014-02-03 16:56:27 +0900 output.message: {"inReplyTo":"search","statusCode":200,"type":"search.result","body":{"result":{"count":2,"records":[["2 Columbus Ave. - New York NY  (W)"],["Columbus @ 67th - New York NY  (W)"]]}}}
+This shows the message is received by our `ExampleInputAdapterPlugin` and then passed to Droonga. Here we can modify the message before the actual data processing.
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