[Groonga-commit] droonga/droonga.org at 3533d11 [gh-pages] Describe how to add an empty InputAdapterPlugin

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Yoji Shidara null+****@clear*****
Thu Jan 30 17:40:30 JST 2014

Yoji Shidara	2014-01-30 17:40:30 +0900 (Thu, 30 Jan 2014)

  New Revision: 3533d11bb1fb65dc6003a81c53dd4562e2caa710

    Describe how to add an empty InputAdapterPlugin

  Modified files:

  Modified: tutorial/plugin-development/index.md (+61 -0)
--- tutorial/plugin-development/index.md    2014-01-30 16:26:25 +0900 (5e40b42)
+++ tutorial/plugin-development/index.md    2014-01-30 17:40:30 +0900 (7c3621b)
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ layout: en
 Learning steps to develop a Droonga plugin by yourself.
+## Precondition
+* You must complete [tutorial][].
 ## Plugin
@@ -46,4 +49,62 @@ CollectorPlugin
 In this tutorial, we focus on InputAdapterPlugin. This is the most "basic" plugin, so it will help you to understand the overview of Droonga plugin development.
+## Directory Structure
+Assume that we are going to add `InputAdapterPlugin` to the system built in [tutorial][]. In that tutorial, Groonga engine was placed under `engine` directory.
+Plugins need to be placed in an appropriate directory. For example, `InputAdapterPlugin` should be placed under `lib/droonga/plugin/input_adapter/` directory. Let's create the directory:
+    # cd engine
+    # mkdir -p lib/droonga/plugin/input_adapter
+After creating the directory, the directory structure should be like this:
+├── catalog.json
+├── fluentd.conf
+└── lib
+    └── droonga
+        └── plugin
+            └── input_adapter
+Put a plugin code into `input_adapter` plugin.
+module Droonga
+  class ExampleInputAdapter < Droonga::InputAdapterPlugin
+    repository.register("example", self)
+  end
+This plugin does nothing except registering itself to Droonga.
+You need to update `catalog.json` to activate your plugin:
+  },
+  "options": {
+    "plugins": ["example"]
+  }
+Add `"example"` to `"plugins"` section.
+Let's Droonga get started. Note that you need to specify `./lib` directory in `RUBYLIB` environment variable in order to make ruby possible to find your plugin.
+RUBYLIB=./lib fluentd --config fluentd.conf
+  [tutorial]: ../
   [overview]: ../../overview/
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