[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga.org at 143eacd [gh-pages] Use "equality comparison" to describe added new script syntax

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Hiroshi Hatake null+****@clear*****
Tue Dec 29 19:28:45 JST 2015

Hiroshi Hatake	2015-12-29 19:28:45 +0900 (Tue, 29 Dec 2015)

  New Revision: 143eacd39f78439eb21d464ab809c9f1858c789a

  Merged 1b6b1ff: Merge pull request #22 from cosmo0920/fix-groonga-5-1-1-release-post

    Use "equality comparison" to describe added new script syntax

  Modified files:

  Modified: en/_posts/2015-12-29-groonga-5.1.1.md (+1 -1)
--- en/_posts/2015-12-29-groonga-5.1.1.md    2015-12-29 19:27:35 +0900 (d615e39)
+++ en/_posts/2015-12-29-groonga-5.1.1.md    2015-12-29 19:28:45 +0900 (0f9652b)
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ How to install: [Install](/docs/install.html)
 Here are changes in this release. There is no big changes but this release is included some trivial bug fix and improving performance:
-* [[script_syntax](/docs/reference/grn_expr/script_syntax.html)] Supported `INDEX_COLUMN == 'VALUE'` as index search with an equal supported index.
+* [[script_syntax](/docs/reference/grn_expr/script_syntax.html)] Supported `INDEX_COLUMN == 'VALUE'` syntax to specify an index search that uses an index that supports specific equality comparison.
 * Reduced the continuous same messages from inverted index module.
 * Supported detecting truncated tables by another process.
 * Improved performance for sequential scan search by [regular_expression](/reference/regular_expression.html) match with constant pattern such as `COLUMN @~ CONSTANT_PATTERN`.
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