[Groonga-commit] pgroonga/pgroonga.github.io at 3d51aa8 [master] contain -> in

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Kouhei Sutou null+****@clear*****
Mon May 29 22:47:33 JST 2017

Kouhei Sutou	2017-05-29 22:47:33 +0900 (Mon, 29 May 2017)

  New Revision: 3d51aa82a03cdec496a09e4bc01e9cd44bc23c71

    contain -> in

  Copied files:
      (from reference/operators/match-contain-v2.md)
      (from reference/operators/prefix-rk-search-contain-v2.md)
      (from reference/operators/prefix-search-contain-v2.md)
      (from reference/operators/query-contain-v2.md)
  Modified files:

  Modified: reference/index.md (+14 -10)
--- reference/index.md    2017-05-29 21:37:15 +0900 (2763bc8)
+++ reference/index.md    2017-05-29 22:47:33 +0900 (f9b7045)
@@ -180,9 +180,9 @@ If you use them, you need to use [incompatible case steps](../upgrade/#incompati
   * [`` &` `` operator](operators/script-v2.html): Advanced search by ECMAScript like query language 
-  * [`&@>` operator](operators/match-contain-v2.html): Full text search by an array of keywords
+  * [`&@>` operator][match-in-v2]: Full text search by an array of keywords
-  * [`&?>` operator](operators/query-contain-v2.html): Full text search by an array of queries in easy to use query language
+  * [`&?>` operator][query-in-v2]: Full text search by an array of queries in easy to use query language
 #### `pgroonga.text_term_search_ops_v2` operator class {#text-term-search-ops-v2}
@@ -190,9 +190,9 @@ If you use them, you need to use [incompatible case steps](../upgrade/#incompati
   * [`&^~` operator](operators/prefix-rk-search-v2.html): Prefix RK search
-  * [`&^>` operator](operators/prefix-search-contain-v2.html): Prefix search by an array of prefixes
+  * [`&^>` operator][prefix-search-in-v2]: Prefix search by an array of prefixes
-  * [`&^~>` operator](operators/prefix-rk-search-contain-v2.html): Prefix RK search by an array of prefixes
+  * [`&^~>` operator][prefix-rk-search-in-v2]: Prefix RK search by an array of prefixes
 #### `pgroonga.text_regexp_ops_v2` operator class {#text-regexp-ops-v2}
@@ -226,9 +226,9 @@ If you use them, you need to use [incompatible case steps](../upgrade/#incompati
   * [`` &` `` operator](operators/script-v2.html): Advanced search by ECMAScript like query language 
-  * [`&@>` operator](operators/match-contain-v2.html): Full text search by an array of keywords
+  * [`&@>` operator][match-in-v2]: Full text search by an array of keywords
-  * [`&?>` operator](operators/query-contain-v2.html): Full text search by an array of queries in easy to use query language
+  * [`&?>` operator][query-in-v2]: Full text search by an array of queries in easy to use query language
 #### `pgroonga.text_array_term_search_ops_v2` operator class {#text-array-term-search-ops-v2}
@@ -236,9 +236,9 @@ If you use them, you need to use [incompatible case steps](../upgrade/#incompati
   * [`&^~` operator](operators/prefix-rk-search-v2.html): Prefix RK search
-  * [`&^>` operator](operators/prefix-search-contain-v2.html): Prefix search by an array of prefixes
+  * [`&^>` operator][prefix-search-in-v2]: Prefix search by an array of prefixes
-  * [`&^~>` operator](operators/prefix-rk-search-contain-v2.html): Prefix RK search by an array of prefixes
+  * [`&^~>` operator][prefix-rk-search-in-v2]: Prefix RK search by an array of prefixes
 ### For `varchar`
@@ -260,9 +260,9 @@ If you use them, you need to use [incompatible case steps](../upgrade/#incompati
   * [`` &` `` operator](operators/script-v2.html): Advanced search by ECMAScript like query language 
-  * [`&@>` operator](operators/match-contain-v2.html): Full text search by an array of keywords
+  * [`&@>` operator][match-in-v2]: Full text search by an array of keywords
-  * [`&?>` operator](operators/query-contain-v2.html): Full text search by an array of queries in easy to use query language
+  * [`&?>` operator][query-in-v2]: Full text search by an array of queries in easy to use query language
 #### `pgroonga.varchar_regexp_ops_v2` operator class {#varchar-regexp-ops-v2}
@@ -358,6 +358,10 @@ But you need to tune PGroonga in some cases such as a case that you need to hand
   * [Tuning](http://groonga.org/docs/reference/tuning.html)

  Modified: reference/operators/match-contain-v2.md (+1 -60)
--- reference/operators/match-contain-v2.md    2017-05-29 21:37:15 +0900 (f972a55)
+++ reference/operators/match-contain-v2.md    2017-05-29 22:47:33 +0900 (41b3023)
@@ -1,64 +1,5 @@
 title: "&@> operator"
 upper_level: ../
+redirect: match-in-v2.html
-# `&@>` operator
-## Summary
-This operator uses v2 operator class. It doesn't provide backward compatibility until PGroonga 2.0.0. Use it carefully.
-`&@>` operator performs full text search by array of keywords. If one or more keywords are found, the record is matched.
-## Syntax
-column &@> keywords
-`column` is a column to be searched.
-`keywords` is an array of keywords for full text search. It's `text[]` type.
-The operator returns `true` when one or more keyword in `keywords` are included in `column`.
-## Usage
-Here are sample schema and data for examples:
-  id integer,
-  content text
-CREATE INDEX pgroonga_content_index ON memos
-  USING pgroonga (content pgroonga.text_full_text_search_ops_v2);
-INSERT INTO memos VALUES (1, 'PostgreSQL is a relational database management system.');
-INSERT INTO memos VALUES (2, 'Groonga is a fast full text search engine that supports all languages.');
-INSERT INTO memos VALUES (3, 'PGroonga is a PostgreSQL extension that uses Groonga as index.');
-INSERT INTO memos VALUES (4, 'There is groonga command.');
-You can perform full text search with keywords by `&@>` operator:
-SELECT * FROM memos WHERE content &@> ARRAY['engine', 'database'];
---  id |                                content                                 
--- ----+------------------------------------------------------------------------
---   1 | PostgreSQL is a relational database management system.
---   2 | Groonga is a fast full text search engine that supports all languages.
--- (2 rows)
-`column &@> ARRAY['KEYWORD1', 'KEYWORD2']` equals to `column &? 'KEYWORD1 OR KEYWORD2'`.
-## See also
-  * [`&@` operator](match-v2.html)
-  * [`&?` operator](query-v2.html)

  Copied: reference/operators/match-in-v2.md (+0 -0) 100%

  Modified: reference/operators/prefix-rk-search-contain-v2.md (+1 -94)
--- reference/operators/prefix-rk-search-contain-v2.md    2017-05-29 21:37:15 +0900 (fa2478b)
+++ reference/operators/prefix-rk-search-contain-v2.md    2017-05-29 22:47:33 +0900 (b43b742)
@@ -1,98 +1,5 @@
 title: "&^~> operator"
 upper_level: ../
+redirect: prefix-rk-search-in-v2.html
-# `&^~>` operator
-Since 1.0.9.
-## Summary
-This operator uses v2 operator class. It doesn't provide backward compatibility until PGroonga 2.0.0. Use it carefully.
-`&^~>` operator performs [prefix RK search](http://groonga.org/docs/reference/operations/prefix_rk_search.html). R is for [Romaji](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanization_of_Japanese). K is for [Kana](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kana).
-Prefix RK search is useful for Japanese.
-Prefix RK search is useful for implementing input completion.
-## Syntax
-column &^~> prefix
-`column` is a column to be searched. It's `text[]` type.
-`prefix` is a prefix to be found. It's `text` type.
-`column` values must be in Katakana. `prefix` must be in Romaji, Hiragana or Katakana.
-The operator returns `true` when one of the `column` values start with `prefix`.
-## Usage
-Here are sample schema and data for examples:
-  name text PRIMARY KEY,
-  readings text[]
-CREATE INDEX pgroonga_tags_index ON tags
-  USING pgroonga (readings pgroonga.text_array_term_search_ops_v2);
-                         ARRAY['ポストグレスキューエル', 'ポスグレ', 'ピージー']);
-INSERT INTO tags VALUES ('Groonga',    ARRAY['グルンガ']);
-INSERT INTO tags VALUES ('PGroonga',   ARRAY['ピージールンガ']);
-INSERT INTO tags VALUES ('pglogical',  ARRAY['ピージーロジカル']);
-You can perform prefix RK search with prefix in Romaji by `&^~>` operator:
-SELECT * FROM tags WHERE readings &^~> 'pi-ji-';
---     name    |                  readings                  
--- ------------+--------------------------------------------
---  PostgreSQL | {ポストグレスキューエル,ポスグレ,ピージー}
---  PGroonga   | {ピージールンガ}
---  pglogical  | {ピージーロジカル}
--- (3 rows)
-You can also use Hiragana for prefix:
-SELECT * FROM tags WHERE readings &^~> 'ぴーじー';
---     name    |                  readings                  
--- ------------+--------------------------------------------
---  PostgreSQL | {ポストグレスキューエル,ポスグレ,ピージー}
---  PGroonga   | {ピージールンガ}
---  pglogical  | {ピージーロジカル}
--- (3 rows)
-You can also use Katakana for prefix:
-SELECT * FROM tags WHERE readings &^~> 'ピージー';
---     name    |                  readings                  
--- ------------+--------------------------------------------
---  PostgreSQL | {ポストグレスキューエル,ポスグレ,ピージー}
---  PGroonga   | {ピージールンガ}
---  pglogical  | {ピージーロジカル}
--- (3 rows)
-## See also
-  * [`&^` operator](prefix-search-v2.html)
-  * [`&^>` operator](prefix-search-contain-v2.html)
-  * [`&^~` operator](prefix-rk-search-v2.html)

  Copied: reference/operators/prefix-rk-search-in-v2.md (+0 -0) 100%

  Modified: reference/operators/prefix-search-contain-v2.md (+1 -63)
--- reference/operators/prefix-search-contain-v2.md    2017-05-29 21:37:15 +0900 (33ceeb3)
+++ reference/operators/prefix-search-contain-v2.md    2017-05-29 22:47:33 +0900 (ca57161)
@@ -1,67 +1,5 @@
 title: "&^> operator"
 upper_level: ../
+redirect: prefix-search-in-v2.html
-# `&^>` operator
-Since 1.0.9.
-## Summary
-This operator uses v2 operator class. It doesn't provide backward compatibility until PGroonga 2.0.0. Use it carefully.
-`&^>` operator performs prefix search.
-Prefix search is useful for implementing input completion.
-## Syntax
-column &^> prefix
-`column` is a column to be searched. It's `text[]` type.
-`prefix` is a prefix to be found. It's `text` type.
-The operator returns `true` when one of the `column` values start with `prefix`.
-## Usage
-Here are sample schema and data for examples:
-  name text PRIMARY KEY,
-  aliases text[]
-CREATE INDEX pgroonga_tag_aliases_index ON tags
-  USING pgroonga (aliases pgroonga.text_array_term_search_ops_v2);
-INSERT INTO tags VALUES ('PostgreSQL', ARRAY['PostgreSQL', 'PG']);
-INSERT INTO tags VALUES ('Groonga',    ARRAY['Groonga', 'grn']);
-INSERT INTO tags VALUES ('PGroonga',   ARRAY['PGroonga', 'pgrn']);
-You can perform prefix search with prefix by `&^>` operator:
-SELECT * FROM tags WHERE aliases &^> 'pg';
---     name    |     aliases     
--- ------------+-----------------
---  PostgreSQL | {PostgreSQL,PG}
---  PGroonga   | {PGroonga,pgrn}
--- (2 rows)
-## See also
-  * [`&^` operator](prefix-search-v2.html)
-  * [`&^~` operator](prefix-rk-search-v2.html)
-  * [`&^~>` operator](prefix-rk-search-contain-v2.html)

  Copied: reference/operators/prefix-search-in-v2.md (+0 -0) 100%

  Modified: reference/operators/query-contain-v2.md (+2 -67)
--- reference/operators/query-contain-v2.md    2017-05-29 21:37:15 +0900 (67d5ed7)
+++ reference/operators/query-contain-v2.md    2017-05-29 22:47:33 +0900 (f81215c)
@@ -1,70 +1,5 @@
-title: "&?> operator for non jsonb types"
+title: "&?> operator"
 upper_level: ../
+redirect: query-in-v2.html
-# `&?>` operator for non jsonb types
-## Summary
-This operator uses v2 operator class. It doesn't provide backward compatibility until PGroonga 2.0.0. Use it carefully.
-`&?>` operator performs full text search by array of queries. If one or more queries are matched, the record is matched.
-Query's syntax is similar to syntax that is used in Web search engine. For example, you can use OR search by `KEYWORD1 OR KEYWORD2` in query.
-## Syntax
-column &?> queries
-`column` is a column to be searched.
-`queries` is an array of queries for full text search. It's `text[]` type.
-The operator returns `true` when one or more query in `queries` are matched against `column`.
-## Usage
-Here are sample schema and data for examples:
-  id integer,
-  content text
-CREATE INDEX pgroonga_content_index ON memos
-  USING pgroonga (content pgroonga.text_full_text_search_ops_v2);
-INSERT INTO memos VALUES (1, 'PostgreSQL is a relational database management system.');
-INSERT INTO memos VALUES (2, 'Groonga is a fast full text search engine that supports all languages.');
-INSERT INTO memos VALUES (3, 'PGroonga is a PostgreSQL extension that uses Groonga as index.');
-INSERT INTO memos VALUES (4, 'There is groonga command.');
-You can perform full text search with queries by `&?>` operator:
-SELECT * FROM memos WHERE content &?> ARRAY['Groonga engine', 'PostgreSQL -PGroonga'];
---  id |                                content                                 
--- ----+------------------------------------------------------------------------
---   1 | PostgreSQL is a relational database management system.
---   2 | Groonga is a fast full text search engine that supports all languages.
--- (2 rows)
-`Groonga engine` query matches against a record that its `id` is `2`.
-`PostgreSQL -PGroonga` query matches against a record that its `id` is `1`.
-## See also
-  * [`&?` operator](query-v2.html)
-  * [Groonga's query syntax](http://groonga.org/docs/reference/grn_expr/query_syntax.html)
-  * [`&@>` operator](match-contain-v2.html)

  Copied: reference/operators/query-in-v2.md (+0 -0) 100%
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