[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga at bf71fdd [master] doc: Separate from token_filters page

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Yasuhiro Horimoto null+****@clear*****
Fri Dec 28 00:27:22 JST 2018

Yasuhiro Horimoto	2018-12-28 00:27:22 +0900 (Fri, 28 Dec 2018)

  Revision: bf71fdda517591f5a39f88b371cc64d2036cfab3

    doc: Separate from token_filters page

  Added files:

  Added: doc/source/example/reference/token_filters/stem-algorithm-option.log (+48 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ doc/source/example/reference/token_filters/stem-algorithm-option.log    2018-12-28 00:27:22 +0900 (2fc989ce0)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Execution example::
+  plugin_register token_filters/stem
+  table_create Memos TABLE_NO_KEY
+  column_create Memos content COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText
+  table_create Terms TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText \
+    --default_tokenizer TokenBigram \
+    --normalizer NormalizerAuto \
+    --token_filters 'TokenFilterStem("algorithm", "french")'
+  column_create Terms memos_content COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION Memos content
+  load --table Memos
+  [
+  {"content": "maintenait"},
+  {"content": "maintenant"}
+  ]
+  select Memos --match_columns content --query "maintenir"
+  # [
+  #   [
+  #     0,
+  #     0.0,
+  #     0.0
+  #   ],
+  #   [
+  #     [
+  #       [
+  #         2
+  #       ],
+  #       [
+  #         [
+  #           "_id",
+  #           "UInt32"
+  #         ],
+  #         [
+  #           "content",
+  #           "ShortText"
+  #         ]
+  #       ],
+  #       [
+  #         1,
+  #         "maintenait"
+  #       ],
+  #       [
+  #         2,
+  #         "maintenant"
+  #       ]
+  #     ]
+  #   ]
+  # ]
\ No newline at end of file

  Added: doc/source/reference/token_filters/token_filter_stem.rst (+99 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ doc/source/reference/token_filters/token_filter_stem.rst    2018-12-28 00:27:22 +0900 (1ca734159)
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+.. -*- rst -*-
+.. highlightlang:: none
+.. groonga-command
+.. database: token_filters_example
+``TokenFilterStem`` stems tokenized token.
+``TokenFilterStopWord`` has optional parameter::
+  TokenFilterStopStem
+  TokenFilterStem("algorithm", "steming_algorithm")
+Here is an example that uses ``TokenFilterStem`` token filter:
+.. groonga-command
+.. database: token_filters_stem
+.. include:: ../../example/reference/token_filters/stem.log
+.. plugin_register token_filters/stem
+.. table_create Memos TABLE_NO_KEY
+.. column_create Memos content COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText
+.. table_create Terms TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText \
+..   --default_tokenizer TokenBigram \
+..   --normalizer NormalizerAuto \
+..   --token_filters TokenFilterStem
+.. column_create Terms memos_content COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION Memos content
+.. load --table Memos
+.. [
+.. {"content": "I develop Groonga"},
+.. {"content": "I'm developing Groonga"},
+.. {"content": "I developed Groonga"}
+.. ]
+.. select Memos --match_columns content --query "develops"
+All of ``develop``, ``developing``, ``developed`` and ``develops``
+tokens are stemmed as ``develop``. So we can find ``develop``,
+``developing`` and ``developed`` by ``develops`` query.
+You can specify steming algorithm except English with ``algorithm`` option as below.
+.. groonga-command
+.. database: token_filters_stem
+.. include:: ../../example/reference/token_filters/stem-algorithm-option.log
+.. plugin_register token_filters/stem
+.. table_create Memos TABLE_NO_KEY
+.. column_create Memos content COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText
+.. table_create Terms TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText \
+..   --default_tokenizer TokenBigram \
+..   --normalizer NormalizerAuto \
+..   --token_filters 'TokenFilterStem("algorithm", "french")'
+.. column_create Terms memos_content COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION Memos content
+.. load --table Memos
+.. [
+.. {"content": "maintenait"},
+.. {"content": "maintenant"}
+.. ]
+.. select Memos --match_columns content --query "maintenir"
+Optional parameter
+There is a optional parameters ``algorithm``.
+Specify a steming algorithm.
+Here are support steming algorithm::
+  French
+  Spanish
+  Portuguese
+  Italian
+  Romanian
+  German
+  Dutch
+  Swedish
+  Norwegian
+  Danish
+  Russian
+  Finnish
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