[logaling-commit] logaling/logaling-server [add-title-to-button-actions] Add title to button actions

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SHIMADA Koji null+****@clear*****
Wed Oct 17 15:32:54 JST 2012

SHIMADA Koji	2012-10-17 15:32:54 +0900 (Wed, 17 Oct 2012)

  New Revision: 26c46b5c1f6cc334c3c79dd3f647130a86072f36

    Add title to button actions

  Modified files:

  Modified: app/decorators/user_config_decorator.rb (+2 -2)
--- app/decorators/user_config_decorator.rb    2012-10-16 19:23:45 +0900 (f8cc1f3)
+++ app/decorators/user_config_decorator.rb    2012-10-17 15:32:54 +0900 (820b6f8)
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 module UserConfigDecorator
   def mark_for(glossary)
     if same?(glossary)
-      content_tag(:i, '', class: 'icon-star')
+      content_tag(:i, '', class: 'icon-star', title: '検索の結果表示で優先する設定を解除する')
-      content_tag(:i, '', class: 'icon-star-empty')
+      content_tag(:i, '', class: 'icon-star-empty', title: '検索の結果表示で優先して表示する')

  Modified: app/views/dashboard/show.html.haml (+3 -3)
--- app/views/dashboard/show.html.haml    2012-10-16 19:23:45 +0900 (d8cb5da)
+++ app/views/dashboard/show.html.haml    2012-10-17 15:32:54 +0900 (de352df)
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
               = f.hidden_field :source_language, value: user_glossary.source_language
               = f.hidden_field :target_language, value: user_glossary.target_language
               = f.submit '', :class => 'hidden', :id => "commit_#{user_glossary.id}"
-          = link_to raw("<i class=icon-file></i>"), new_user_glossary_path(current_user, original_user_glossary_id: user_glossary.id), { :class => 'btn btn-mini' }
-          = link_to raw("<i class=icon-trash></i>"), user_glossary_path(current_user, user_glossary), method: :delete, :class => 'btn btn-mini', data: { confirm: '用語集を削除します。よろしいですか?' }
+          = link_to raw("<i class=icon-file></i>"), new_user_glossary_path(current_user, original_user_glossary_id: user_glossary.id), { :class => 'btn btn-mini', :title => 'この用語集をベースに新しい用語集を作成する' }
+          = link_to raw("<i class=icon-trash></i>"), user_glossary_path(current_user, user_glossary), method: :delete, :class => 'btn btn-mini', :title => '用語集を削除する', data: { confirm: '用語集を削除します。よろしいですか?' }
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
         = github_project.full_name
-          = link_to raw("<i class=icon-trash></i>"), user_github_project_membership_path(current_user, github_project.memberships.of(current_user).first), method: :delete, :class => 'btn btn-mini', data: { confirm: '用語集を削除します。よろしいですか?' }
+          = link_to raw("<i class=icon-trash></i>"), user_github_project_membership_path(current_user, github_project.memberships.of(current_user).first), method: :delete, :class => 'btn btn-mini', :title => 'プロジェクトへの参加を取り消す', data: { confirm: 'プロジェクトへの参加を取り消します。よろしいですか?' }
           - github_project.glossaries.each_with_index do |glossary, j|

  Modified: app/views/shared/_term.html.haml (+2 -2)
--- app/views/shared/_term.html.haml    2012-10-16 19:23:45 +0900 (9d9c82f)
+++ app/views/shared/_term.html.haml    2012-10-17 15:32:54 +0900 (948487a)
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
             - user_glossary = UserGlossary.find_by_term_and_user(term, current_user)
             - if user_glossary
-                = link_to raw("<i class=icon-pencil></i>"), edit_user_glossary_term_path(current_user, user_glossary, term.id), :class => 'btn btn-mini'
-                = link_to raw("<i class=icon-trash></i>"), user_glossary_term_path(current_user, user_glossary, term.id), method: :delete, :class => 'btn btn-mini'
+                = link_to raw("<i class=icon-pencil></i>"), edit_user_glossary_term_path(current_user, user_glossary, term.id), :class => 'btn btn-mini', :title => '用語を編集する'
+                = link_to raw("<i class=icon-trash></i>"), user_glossary_term_path(current_user, user_glossary, term.id), method: :delete, :class => 'btn btn-mini', :title => '用語を削除する', data: { confirm: '用語を削除します。よろしいですか?' }
       - else

  Modified: app/views/user_glossaries/show.html.haml (+3 -2)
--- app/views/user_glossaries/show.html.haml    2012-10-16 19:23:45 +0900 (aebc75d)
+++ app/views/user_glossaries/show.html.haml    2012-10-17 15:32:54 +0900 (b447896)
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
             = @user_glossary.link_text
           - if signed_in? && current_user.own?(@user_glossary)
-              = link_to raw("<i class=icon-pencil></i>"), edit_user_glossary_term_path(current_user, @user_glossary, term.id), :class => 'btn btn-mini'
-              = link_to raw("<i class=icon-trash></i>"), user_glossary_term_path(current_user, @user_glossary, term.id), method: :delete, :class => 'btn btn-mini', data: { confirm: '用語を削除します。よろしいですか?' }
+              = link_to raw("<i class=icon-pencil></i>"), edit_user_glossary_term_path(current_user, @user_glossary, term.id), :class => 'btn btn-mini', :title => '用語を編集する'
+              = link_to raw("<i class=icon-trash></i>"), user_glossary_term_path(current_user, @user_glossary, term.id), method: :delete, :class => 'btn btn-mini', :title => '用語を削除する', data: { confirm: '用語を削除します。よろしいですか?' }
   = paginate @registered_terms
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