[logaling-commit] logaling/logaling-command [master] Add 'loga index' command line interface

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SUZUKI Miho null+****@clear*****
Tue Oct 30 14:33:36 JST 2012

SUZUKI Miho	2012-10-30 14:33:36 +0900 (Tue, 30 Oct 2012)

  New Revision: 824c282f41c8a7f98a1f4e43150bdc5ef147a7b1

  Merged 2e9a0db: Merge pull request #86 from logaling/add-index-interface

    Add 'loga index' command line interface

  Modified files:

  Modified: lib/logaling/command/application.rb (+11 -0)
--- lib/logaling/command/application.rb    2012-10-30 11:22:59 +0900 (0af57d2)
+++ lib/logaling/command/application.rb    2012-10-30 14:33:36 +0900 (cade1d2)
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ module Logaling::Command
         '-n' => :new,
         '-r' => :register,
         '-U' => :unregister,
+        '-I' => :index,
         '-L' => :list,
         '-s' => :show,
         '-v' => :version,
@@ -158,6 +159,16 @@ module Logaling::Command
       say "#{@config.glossary} is not yet registered."
+    desc 'index', 'Index glossaries'
+    def index
+      check_logaling_home_exists
+      @repository.index
+      say 'Complete index.'
+    rescue Logaling::CommandFailed => e
+      say e.message
+    end
     desc 'config [KEY] [VALUE] [--global(optional)]', 'Set config.'
     method_option "global", type: :boolean, default: false
     def config(key, value)

  Modified: spec/logaling/command_spec.rb (+34 -0)
--- spec/logaling/command_spec.rb    2012-10-30 11:22:59 +0900 (75ece9b)
+++ spec/logaling/command_spec.rb    2012-10-30 14:33:36 +0900 (9fba53a)
@@ -178,6 +178,40 @@ describe Logaling::Command::Application do
+  describe '#index' do
+    before do
+      command.options = base_options.merge("output" => "terminal", "no-pager" => true)
+      command.new('spec', 'en', 'ja')
+    end
+    context 'when new term added' do
+      before do
+        command.add("spec", "スペック", "備考")
+        command.index
+        @stdout = capture(:stdout) { command.lookup("spec") }
+      end
+      it 'should be indexed' do
+        @stdout.should include "spec"
+        @stdout.should include "スペック"
+        @stdout.should include "# 備考"
+        @stdout.should_not include "now index spec..."
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when logaling_home does not exists' do
+      before do
+        command.add("spec", "スペック", "備考")
+        FileUtils.rm_rf(logaling_home)
+        @stdout = capture(:stdout) { command.index }
+      end
+      it 'should print message and failed index' do
+        @stdout.should include "Input existing directory as logaling-home."
+      end
+    end
+  end
   describe '#config' do
     let(:project_config) { File.join(logaling_config, 'config') }
     let(:global_config) { File.join(logaling_home, 'config') }
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