Zeta Books August Discount

sonia sonia****@zetab*****
2008年 8月 1日 (金) 04:40:03 JST


In the time period of 1 August 2008 and 10 September 2008, for every
ordered book you will receive a discount of 15%.

Special prices: 

 Alexandru Balasescu, Paris Chic, Tehran Thrills
 - 24,65E (book), 7,65E (e-book)
 Marc Lenaerts, Ana Maria Spadafora, Pueblos indígenas, plantas y
mercados. Amazonía y Gran Chaco
 - 15,3E (book), 5,95E (e-book)
 Dan Semenescu, Apparition des formes urbaines. Institutions
symboliques et structures matérielles au Sud-est de l'Europe
 - 23,8E (book), 7,65E (e-book)
 Daniel Mazilu, Raison et mystique dans le néoplatonisme
 - 24,65E (book), 7,65E (e-book)
 Lester E. Embree, Reflective Analysis
 - 12,75E (book), 5,95E (e-book)
 CHEUNG Chan-Fai & YU Chung-chi (ed), Selected Essays from Asia -
(Phenomenology 2005 - vol.1)
, part 1, 2 - 2x29,75E (book), 2x9,35E (e-book)
 Z. LOPARIC & R. WALTON (ed), Selected Essays from Latin America -
(Phenomenology 2005 - vol.2)
, part 1, 2 - 2x27,2E (book), 2x7,65E (e-book)
 I. Copoeru & H.R. Sepp (ed), Selected Essays from Euro-Mediterranean
- (Phenomenology 2005 - vol.3)
, part 1, 2 - 2x29,75E (book), 2x9,35E (e-book)
 H.R. Sepp & I. Copoeru (eds.), Selected Essays from Northern Europe
- (Phenomenology 2005 - vol.4)
, part 1, 2 - 2x29,75E (book), 2x10,2E (e-book)
 Lester EMBREE & Thomas NENON (eds.), Selected Essays from North
America- (Phenomenology 2005 - vol.5)
, part 1, 2 - 2x26,35E (book), 2x7,65E (e-book)
 Jad Hatem - L'absolu dans la philosophie du jeune Schelling
 - 13,6E (book), 5,1E (e-book)
 Cristian Ciocan (ed.), Emmanuel Levinas 100
 - 21,25E (book), 6,8E (e-book)

 Enjoy your summer!

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