[macemacsjp-english 230] Re: utf-8m.el

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Seiji Zenitani zenit****@mac*****
Tue Sep 20 18:32:56 JST 2005


On 2005/09/19, at 22:13, Peter Dyballa wrote:
> I too changed
> /Applications/EmacsJCVS.app/Contents/Resources/site-lisp/site-start.d/
> carbon-emacs-init.el to not load mac-utf. There is still a problem  
> with
> Ǔ (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CARON, U+01D3) in file names and the
> problem that I can i-search for ö in a file name in dired-mode or in
> some files, but not in *Messages* buffer, which is UTF-8 encoded as a
> dired-mode buffer.

I have further revised utf-8m (attached to this email). Now it calls  
`mac-code-convert-string' for code-conversion. U with caron is  
displayed as a white box but it will be correctly displayed when  
fontsets support the character.

> Would it be worth to extend Carbon Emacs' load-path by
> "/Library/Application Support/Emacs"? So some files and packages could
> be outside the big application bundle package and be re-used by other
> Emacsen. AUCTeX and preview-latex only need to exist once for all.

That's OK.

> There are probably more ... for example Aspell!

At present, no German people are using german aspell without  
troubles? If there are too many problems, I will suspend my  
incomplete german dictionary from the dmg file to save some  
megabytes, and then I'll provide some support for that path.


-- Seiji

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