[macemacsjp-english 847] Re: Help Emacs

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Roussanka Loukanova rlouk****@stp*****
Mon Jan 22 16:34:50 JST 2007

On Sun, 21 Jan 2007, Seiji Zenitani wrote:

> Hi,
> On 2007/01/20, at 15:59, Roussanka Loukanova wrote:
>> After today's update of Carbon Emacs, opening and latexing Emacs
>> with the previous .emacs caused some errors, so I deleted it.
> So, now you have no problems regarding the beta file?
> I am ready to release that.

I have tested about 10 files for latexing from Emacs (by C-c C-c) with 
LaTeX, PDFLaTeX, simpdftex (added by me in the Command list), and 
respective invoking of View (C-c C-c) with TeXShop, Preview, Preview (in 
the last occasion, after simpdftex and using Preview as a Command). I 
tested these options with each of the latest distributions gwTeX and 
TeXLive-2007. I have had those file already typed, so mainly I just 
opened and then closed them, now and then with some mild typing. It seems 
to me everything was fine.

Except one miner detail, to which I had not paid attention before:

If I have several files f1.tex, ..., fn.tex opened and latexed, then Emacs 
creates output files f1 output, ..., fn output, in separate buffers. None 
of these buffers get closed by itself (i.e. by Emacs) when I close 
the corresponding fi.tex (e.g. with Ctr-x k). In the later case, I 
expected fi output to get closed too. It seems to me, it would be good 
to get the output buffer closed automatically by Emacs when, either 
fi.tex is closed, or better, when another file fj.tex gets typeset 
(latexed): I.e., the appearance of a new fj output could be displayed in a 
new buffer, while fi output buffer gets closed (automatically y Emacs).

The above happens without opening the output buffers in new windows, 
which I find good: if I want to monitor the latexing output, I can keep 
up the fi output opened in a separate window, or in a sub-window of the 
main window.

And a question, pending from before:

1. If I select larger font in an open buffer, e.g. with Shift-Click and 
select Courier 18, then I can not get this saved for future Emacs 
sessions with Options -> SaveOptions; and I do not know how to get this 
with Customize Emacs.
2. The same for the Tools -> Spell Checking -> Flyspell
I can select this option only temporarily for the current buffer, but I do 
not know how and if possible to switch it on (and off) for future 

> Seiji
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Roussanka Loukanova
Computational Linguistics
Dept. of Linguistics and Philology
Uppsala University
P.Box 635, Uppsala 751 26, Sweden

Tel:   +46 18 471 1342 (office)
        +46 18 750 0340
Email: rlouk****@stp*****
URL:   http://stp.ling.uu.se/~rloukano/

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