#40317: Install error Open Date: 2020-04-11 17:31 Last Update: 2021-04-16 08:20 URL for this Ticket: https://osdn.net//projects/mingw/ticket/40317 RSS feed for this Ticket: https://osdn.net/ticket/ticket_rss.php?group_id=3917&tid=40317 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Changes/Comment on this Ticket: 2021-04-16 08:20 Updated by: okolo Comment: Thanks for the information. Which version to install in Windows 10 64 bits? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Ticket Status: Reporter: okolo Owner: (None) Type: Issues Status: Closed Priority: 1 - Lowest MileStone: (None) Component: INSTALLER Severity: 1 - Lowest Resolution: Won't Fix --------------------------------------------------------------------- Ticket details: Hello. I get an error while trying to install. The error can be seen in the attached screenshot. https://s8.hostingkartinok.com/uploads/images/2020/04/62a8767b18fb14095e5af632bd09b3dd.jpg -- Ticket information of MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows project MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows Project is hosted on OSDN Project URL: https://osdn.net/projects/mingw/ OSDN: https://osdn.net URL for this Ticket: https://osdn.net/projects/mingw/ticket/40317 RSS feed for this Ticket: https://osdn.net/ticket/ticket_rss.php?group_id=3917&tid=40317