[Mingw-users] Problems installing MinGW on Windows 10

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Keith Marshall keith****@users*****
Sat Jul 14 07:03:41 JST 2018

On 13/07/18 22:30, David Gressett wrote:
>> I thought I'd removed the dependency, so that may be a bogus
>> requirement; will your installed GCC run, if you move
>> libmingwex-0.dll away?
> It does not run. I get a popup message box with the title "cc1.exe -
> System Error"

Thanks.  That pins down the source of the problem.

> This is the error text:
> "The program can't start because libmingwex-0.dll is missing from
> your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix the problem"

I just downloaded the gcc-core-6.3.0-1-mingw32-bin tarball, from the SF
host; it does, indeed, exhibit the libmingwex-0.dll dependency, in both
cc1.exe, and lto1.exe.  This does not reflect the state of my build
tree, so it looks like I didn't refresh all the necessary packages,
after I rebuilt it to remove the dependency.

Given that gcc-7.3.0 is now available in our OSDN downloads package set,
and we likely will not be taking gcc-6.3.0 over there, and given that
the dependency is declared for the SF package set anyway, is it worth
the effort of refreshing this package set at this juncture?


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