[MinGW-Users] MinGW installer cannot download a pthreads package

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Keith Marshall keith****@users*****
Thu Jan 28 02:09:18 JST 2021

On 27/01/2021 14:48, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
>>> Is it possible, as an alternative, to upgrade MinGW from a local,
>>> manually downloaded repository of packages?
>> I think Eli has already helped to guide you to the answer for this.
> Once the package files are downloaded, I just unpack them one by one
> from the root of my MinGW installation directory.  Let me know if you
> need some details, or if there are specific problems you bump into.

Thanks, Eli.  I think the OP had already figured out what to do.

An alternative is to download, using the browser, saving the downloaded
file in $MINGW_ROOT/var/cache/mingw-get/packages, whence mingw-get can
install them, *without* requiring a continuing internet connection.

However, the primary motivation for my post was, (in the section which
you have elided), to point out that WinXP is long past end-of-life, and
its WININET.DLL may no longer be fit for purpose.  While we would like
to continue to offer support for such moribund Windows versions, it is
becoming ever more difficult to do so.  The mingw-get dependency on
WININET.DLL is a case in point — unless someone volunteers to develop an
alternative internet interface, which can circumvent this dependency, it
looks as if mingw-get will not be fully supported on WinXP, (and since
Vista and Win7 have now also passed end-of-life, it is likely that, in
time, we may be forced to abandon support for them too).


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