[MinGW-Users] Need help to test: GCC-Ada-10 gratuitously requires Microsoft's <versionhelpers.h>

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Keith Marshall keith****@users*****
Wed May 26 06:20:50 JST 2021

I still haven't succeeded in building the Ada component for GCC-10.
However, I have identified the above (new) gratuitous dependency, as one
of the points of failure; consequently, I have developed what I hope
will be a "legacy-safe" variant of this Microsoft API; see:


As noted on that ticket, I have verified the behaviour on WinXP, and on
Win7, but I don't have any other versions of Windows, on which I can
readily test it.  (I did try to set up a Win10 VM, but after waiting two
hours from start-up to getting a desktop, and then, since trying to do
anything from there was like wading through treacle, I gave up)!

I would be grateful if anyone is able to test on other Windows versions;
in particular, anyone who can verify that all of the defined APIs return
an indication of "unsupported", when run on Win2K or earlier, and on Win9x.



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