[Mobileagent-devel] Declaration of Daytime driver and Daytime socket objects.

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Mingsi Seleznev Selez****@planu*****
2007年 8月 15日 (水) 02:15:06 JST

T_h,i s Tues+day i't,s CYTV!! ! 

G-e_t on C'Y+T_V Fi*rst T hing on TUE**SDAY, i't_' s g_oing to ex+pload! 

Comp_an_y: CHIN A Y'OUTV C'O R.P (.O,T C BB:CY-TV*.OB) 
Sy+mbol:  C,Y.T_V 
Curr*ent Price_: $ 0*.*4,6 

Monda_y Mo.ve: ('U-p Ov-er(12.20.%) 

T'h.e pri,ce is at a mini*mum it w.i.l,l b*o,o_m on T'uesday! 

R eco*mmendation: "+STRONG-BU.Y" sta.rti ng on Tu esda,y, A_UGUST 1.4 , 2,0,0_6.. 

B* reaking N,e.w.s : 


Ch.ina YouTV''s Cn Boo W'e,b S,i-t,e Ran_ks N,o'.'1 on Mic rosof t L i-v_e Sea,rch E,ngine 

Aggr_e,sive Trader,s 
G.e't in early+, t h+i+s o'n.e c,a_n f l i'p h'i+g'h return,s f*a_s+t.. 

A equiv-alen't to t h.e d'a+t_e a,n'd t_i.m e containe,*d in as spe,cifi'ed by a*n'd+. 

In anot her w a y-, it is f,ri-ghtening. 
My firs t atte,mpt ac-.heives t+h-e p a,n a,n+d scro,ll p*a+r-t b+u_t t.h.e r-ectan,gle is n.o+t draw*n pro'pe'rly w_h'e n t_h'e windo_w s-crolls. 

T_h,i,s is bec_ause t_h*e d*e m'o u's-e-s nativ,e fu'n*ctionality t-h*a-t ca,uses a secu+rit,y violatio,n.. 
T,h+a t he insi,'sted on.

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