[Monstertv-linux-announce] Ordinarily he kept his small eyes under his lowered, somewhat strange, as if slighdy swollen eyelids.

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Imzan Rosko Imzan****@bodeg*****
2007年 8月 11日 (土) 11:04:21 JST

(H)(u)(g){e} [N][e]{w}(s) To Im*pact [C]<Y>[T]{V} 

Ch#ina You#TV (C)[o]{r}(p)[.] 

Sy,mbol: {C}(Y)<T>{V} 

We <h>(a)[v]<e> alrea*dy (s){e}[e][n] CYT`V's m-arket i_mpact befor-e climbi*#ng to <o><v><e>{r} $,2.00 (w){i}[t][h] (n){e}{w}[s](.) 

Pr-ess Rel-ease: 
Chi#na YouTV.'s Cn*Boo (W){e}(b) {S}(i){t}(e) Rank+s {N}<o>{.}[1] on Micr*osof`t (L){i}(v){e} Searc+h Engi.ne 

CnBo.o T.raffic Incre.ase-s [4]<9>[%] (O)<v><e>(r) [T](w){o} Mon,ths 

<R>{e}{a}<d> {t}<h>(e) n_ews, thin-k abo#ut {t}{h}<e> impa+ct, and

<j><u>{m}(p) on <t>[h]<i>(s) fi*rst thin`g T`omorro*w m_,orning!  $0..42 is a {g}[i]<f>(t) at <t>(h)<i>{s} pric*e...`.. 

Do (y)<o>[u]{r} hom.ew*ork {a}[n]{d} watc,h [t][h][i](s) tr*ade Mond`ay morning_. 

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