[Monstertv-linux-discuss-en] Porsche Design Studio, designs new yacht

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nashv****@ceci***** nashv****@ceci*****
2007年 9月 30日 (日) 17:11:59 JST

FRLE Facility Hits 75% Capacity Of production On Orders

Fearless International Inc.
Current Price: $0.32

The "Fearless 28", from Porsche design Studios was released at the
Worlds Largest Boat Show In Miami. Since the release, fearless has
nearly maxed their production line to fill orders. Media from
television, magazine, and websites, have been raving about the new
Yachts and the investment potential. Read the articles and watch this
yacht in action from their video on there website fearlessyachts. After
you have check this out we know you will agree it will be one of the
hottest stocks this year. Grab it Monday.

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