[P2-php-svn] [951]

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svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2013年 6月 6日 (木) 03:47:01 JST

Revision: 951
Author:   akid
Date:     2013-06-06 03:47:01 +0900 (Thu, 06 Jun 2013)
Log Message:

Removed Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Deleted: p2/trunk/iphone/post_form.inc.php
--- p2/trunk/iphone/post_form.inc.php	2013-06-05 18:17:24 UTC (rev 950)
+++ p2/trunk/iphone/post_form.inc.php	2013-06-05 18:47:01 UTC (rev 951)
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
- *  p2 \x8F\x91\x82\xAB\x8D\x9E\x82݃t\x83H\x81[\x83\x80 (iPhone)
- * \x81i2013/06/06 lib/getPostFormIPhoneHtml.func.php \x82Ɉړ\xAE\x81j
- */
- * @access  public
- * @return  string  HTML
- */
-function getPostFormIPhoneHtml($host, $bbs, $key, $ttitle_en, $rescount)
-    global $_conf, $STYLE; // readonly (without $htm['subject'])
-    global $htm, $hs; // readonly
-    // $htm['src_fix'], $htm['be2ch'], $htm['title_need_be'], $htm['maru_kakiko']
-    // $hs['mail'], $hs['FROM']
-    global $time_for_post, $res_disabled_at, $MESSAGE_hs, $wrap, $msg_cols_at, $sage_cb_ht, $on_check_sage, $mail_size_at, $name_size_at; // readonly
-    global $ptitle, $submit_value; // readonly
-    global $popup, $newthread_hidden_ht, $readnew_hidden_ht;
-    $csrfid = P2Util::getCsrfId();
-    if (UA::isPC() || UA::isIPhoneGroup()) {
-        $k_br_ht = '';
-        $kakiko_on_js_ht = ' onFocus="adjustTextareaRows(this, 2);" onKeyup="adjustTextareaRows(this, 2);'
-            . " autoSavePostForm('$host', '$bbs', '$key');\"";
-    // \x8Cg\x91\xD1
-    } else {
-        $k_br_ht = '<br>';
-        $kakiko_on_js_ht = '';
-    }
-    $htm['subject']         = isset($htm['subject'])        ? $htm['subject'] : '';
-    $popup_hs               = isset($popup)                 ? hs($popup) : '';
-    $newthread_hidden_ht    = isset($newthread_hidden_ht)   ? $newthread_hidden_ht : '';
-    $readnew_hidden_ht      = isset($readnew_hidden_ht)     ? $readnew_hidden_ht : '';
-    $ttitle_en_hs = hs($ttitle_en);
-    // \x95\xB6\x8E\x9A\x83R\x81[\x83h\x94\xBB\x92\xE8\x97p\x95\xB6\x8E\x9A\x97\xF1\x82\xF0\x90擪\x82Ɏd\x8D\x9E\x82ނ\xB1\x82Ƃ\xC5mb_convert_variables()\x82̎\xA9\x93\xAE\x94\xBB\x92\xE8\x82\xF0\x8F\x95\x82\xAF\x82\xE9
-    $post_form_htm = <<<EOP
-<form id="settings" class="panel" method="POST" action="{$_conf['post_php']}" accept-charset="{$_conf['accept_charset']}" onsubmit="disableSubmit(this)">
-	{$htm['orig_msg']}
-	<h2>{$ptitle}</h2>
-	<input type="hidden" name="detect_hint" value="\x81\x9D\x81\x9E">
-	<fieldset>
-		{$htm['subject']} 
-		<div class="row">
-			<label>{$htm['maru_kakiko']} \x96\xBC\x91O</label>
-			<input id="FROM" name="FROM" type="text" value="{$hs['FROM']}"{$name_size_at}>{$k_br_ht} 
-		</div>
-		<div class="row">
-			<label>E-mail</label> <input id="mail" name="mail" type="text" value="{$hs['mail']}"{$mail_size_at}{$on_check_sage}>
-		</div>
-		{$sage_cb_ht}
-		<div class="row"><label>\x93\xE0\x97e</label>
-		<textarea id="MESSAGE" name="MESSAGE" rows="{$STYLE['post_msg_rows']}"{$msg_cols_at} wrap="{$wrap}"{$kakiko_on_js_ht}>{$MESSAGE_hs}</textarea>{$k_br_ht}
-	</fieldset>
-	<input class="whitebutton" id="submit" type="submit" name="submit" value="{$submit_value}"{$res_disabled_at}{$htm['title_need_be']} onClick="setHiddenValue(this);">
-	{$htm['be2ch']}
-	{$htm['src_fix']}
-	<input type="hidden" name="bbs" value="{$bbs}">
-	<input type="hidden" name="key" value="{$key}">
-	<input type="hidden" name="time" value="{$time_for_post}">
-	<input type="hidden" name="host" value="{$host}">
-	<input type="hidden" name="popup" value="{$popup_hs}">
-	<input type="hidden" name="rescount" value="{$rescount}">
-	<input type="hidden" name="ttitle_en" value="{$ttitle_en_hs}">
-	<input type="hidden" name="csrfid" value="{$csrfid}">
-	{$newthread_hidden_ht}{$readnew_hidden_ht}
-	{$_conf['k_input_ht']}
-	<span id="status_post_form" style="font-size:10pt;"></span>\n
-    if (UA::isPC() || UA::isIPhoneGroup()) {
-        $post_form_htm .= <<<EOP
-<script type="text/javascript">
-var messageObj = document.getElementById('MESSAGE');
-if (!messageObj.value) {
-	hukkatuPostForm('{$host}', '{$bbs}', '{$key}');
-    }
-    $post_form_htm .= "</form>\n";
-    return $post_form_htm;
- * Local Variables:
- * mode: php
- * coding: cp932
- * tab-width: 4
- * c-basic-offset: 4
- * indent-tabs-mode: nil
- * End:
- */
-// vim: set syn=php fenc=cp932 ai et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 fdm=marker:

Deleted: p2/trunk/iphone/post_form_popup.inc.php
--- p2/trunk/iphone/post_form_popup.inc.php	2013-06-05 18:17:24 UTC (rev 950)
+++ p2/trunk/iphone/post_form_popup.inc.php	2013-06-05 18:47:01 UTC (rev 951)
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
- *  p2 \x8F\x91\x82\xAB\x8D\x9E\x82݃t\x83H\x81[\x83\x80 \x83|\x83b\x83v\x83A\x83b\x83v (iPhone)
- * \x81i2013/06/06 lib/getPostFormPopupIPhoneHtml.func.php \x82Ɉړ\xAE\x81j
- */
- * @access  public
- * @return  string  HTML
- */
-function getPostFormPopupIPhoneHtml($host, $bbs, $key, $ttitle_en, $rescount)
-    global $_conf, $STYLE; // readonly (without $htm['subject'])
-    global $htm, $hs; // readonly
-    // $htm['src_fix'], $htm['be2ch'], $htm['title_need_be'], $htm['maru_kakiko']
-    // $hs['mail'], $hs['FROM']
-    global $time_for_post, $res_disabled_at, $MESSAGE_hs, $wrap, $msg_cols_at, $sage_cb_ht, $on_check_sage, $mail_size_at, $name_size_at; // readonly
-    global $popup, $newthread_hidden_ht, $readnew_hidden_ht; // readwrite
-    $csrfid = P2Util::getCsrfId();
-    $submit_value = '\x8F\x91\x82\xAB\x8D\x9E\x82\xDE';
-    if (UA::isPC() || UA::isIPhoneGroup()) {
-        $k_br_ht = '';
-        $kakiko_on_js_ht = ' onChange="' . "autoSavePostForm('$host', '$bbs', '$key');\""; //  onFocus="adjustTextareaRows(this, 2);"
-    // \x8Cg\x91\xD1
-    } else {
-        $k_br_ht = '<br>';
-        $kakiko_on_js_ht = '';
-    }
-    $htm['subject']         = isset($htm['subject'])        ? $htm['subject'] : '';
-    $popup_hs               = isset($popup)                 ? hs($popup) : '';
-    $newthread_hidden_ht    = isset($newthread_hidden_ht)   ? $newthread_hidden_ht : '';
-    $readnew_hidden_ht      = isset($readnew_hidden_ht)     ? $readnew_hidden_ht : '';
-    $ttitle_en_hs = hs($ttitle_en);
-    // \x95\xB6\x8E\x9A\x83R\x81[\x83h\x94\xBB\x92\xE8\x97p\x95\xB6\x8E\x9A\x97\xF1\x82\xF0\x90擪\x82Ɏd\x8D\x9E\x82ނ\xB1\x82Ƃ\xC5mb_convert_variables()\x82̎\xA9\x93\xAE\x94\xBB\x92\xE8\x82\xF0\x8F\x95\x82\xAF\x82\xE9
-    // <fieldset>\x82\xCDorder-top\x82\xAA\x92\xB4\x8Fc\x92\xB7
-    $post_form_htm = <<<EOP
-<form class="dialog_write" id="writeForm" method="POST" action="{$_conf['post_php']}" accept-charset="{$_conf['accept_charset']}">
-	<input type="hidden" name="detect_hint" value="\x81\x9D\x81\x9E">
-	<fieldset>
-	<!-- {$htm['subject']} -->
-	<div id="writeFormCloseBtn" style="display:none;margin:0;"><img src="iui/icon_close.png" onClick="popUpFootbarFormIPhone(0, 1)"></div>
-		<label>Name:</label>
-		<input id="FROM" name="FROM" type="text" value="{$hs['FROM']}"{$name_size_at}>
-		{$htm['maru_kakiko']}
-		<br>
-		<label>E-Mail:</label>
-		<input id="mail" name="mail" type="text" value="{$hs['mail']}"{$mail_size_at}{$on_check_sage}>
-		<span>{$sage_cb_ht}</span>
-		<br>
-		<!--<label>Message:</label>-->
-		<textarea id="MESSAGE" name="MESSAGE" rows="{$STYLE['post_msg_rows']}"{$msg_cols_at} wrap="{$wrap}"{$kakiko_on_js_ht}>{$MESSAGE_hs}</textarea>
-		<br>
-		<input id="submit" type="submit" name="submit" value="{$submit_value}"{$res_disabled_at}{$htm['title_need_be']} onClick="setHiddenValue(this); popUpFootbarFormIPhone(1, 1);">
-		{$htm['be2ch']}
-		{$htm['src_fix']}
-	</fieldset>
-	<input type="hidden" name="bbs" value="{$bbs}">
-	<input type="hidden" name="key" value="{$key}">
-	<input type="hidden" name="time" value="{$time_for_post}">
-	<input type="hidden" name="host" value="{$host}">
-	<input type="hidden" name="popup" value="{$popup_hs}">
-	<input type="hidden" name="rescount" value="{$rescount}">
-	<input type="hidden" name="ttitle_en" value="{$ttitle_en_hs}">
-	<input type="hidden" name="csrfid" value="{$csrfid}">
-	{$newthread_hidden_ht}{$readnew_hidden_ht}
-	{$_conf['k_input_ht']}
-	<span id="status_post_form" style="font-size:10pt;"></span>\n
-    if (!UA::isK() || UA::isIPhoneGroup()) {
-        $post_form_htm .= <<<EOP
-<script type="text/javascript">
-var messageObj = document.getElementById('MESSAGE');
-if (!messageObj.value) {
-	hukkatuPostForm('{$host}', '{$bbs}', '{$key}');
-    }
-    $post_form_htm .= "</form>\n";
-    return $post_form_htm;
- * Local Variables:
- * mode: php
- * coding: cp932
- * tab-width: 4
- * c-basic-offset: 4
- * indent-tabs-mode: nil
- * End:
- */
-// vim: set syn=php fenc=cp932 ai et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 fdm=marker:

Deleted: p2/trunk/lib/post_form.inc.php
--- p2/trunk/lib/post_form.inc.php	2013-06-05 18:17:24 UTC (rev 950)
+++ p2/trunk/lib/post_form.inc.php	2013-06-05 18:47:01 UTC (rev 951)
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
- *  p2 \x8F\x91\x82\xAB\x8D\x9E\x82݃t\x83H\x81[\x83\x80 (PC, \x8Cg\x91\xD1)
- * \x81i2013/06/06 lib/getPostFormHtml.func.php \x82Ɉړ\xAE\x81j
- */
- * @access  public
- * @return  string  HTML
- */
-function getPostFormHtml($host, $bbs, $key, $ttitle_en, $rescount)
-    global $_conf, $STYLE; // readonly (without $htm['subject'])
-    global $htm, $hs; // readonly
-    // $htm['src_fix'], $htm['be2ch'], $htm['title_need_be'], $htm['maru_kakiko']
-    // $hs['mail'], $hs['FROM']
-    global $time_for_post, $res_disabled_at, $MESSAGE_hs, $wrap, $msg_cols_at, $sage_cb_ht, $on_check_sage, $mail_size_at, $name_size_at; // readonly
-    global $ptitle, $submit_value; // readonly
-    global $popup, $newthread_hidden_ht, $readnew_hidden_ht, $resable_msg_ht;
-    $csrfid = P2Util::getCsrfId();
-    if (UA::isPC() || UA::isIPhoneGroup()) {
-        $k_br_ht = '';
-        $kakiko_on_js_ht = ' onFocus="adjustTextareaRows(this, 2);" onKeyup="adjustTextareaRows(this, 2);'
-            . " autoSavePostForm('$host', '$bbs', '$key');\"";
-    // \x8Cg\x91\xD1
-    } else {
-        $k_br_ht = '<br>';
-        $kakiko_on_js_ht = '';
-    }
-    $htm['subject']         = isset($htm['subject'])        ? $htm['subject'] : '';
-    $popup_hs               = isset($popup)                 ? hs($popup) : '';
-    $newthread_hidden_ht    = isset($newthread_hidden_ht)   ? $newthread_hidden_ht : '';
-    $readnew_hidden_ht      = isset($readnew_hidden_ht)     ? $readnew_hidden_ht : '';
-    $ttitle_en_hs = hs($ttitle_en);
-    // \x95\xB6\x8E\x9A\x83R\x81[\x83h\x94\xBB\x92\xE8\x97p\x95\xB6\x8E\x9A\x97\xF1\x82\xF0\x90擪\x82Ɏd\x8D\x9E\x82ނ\xB1\x82Ƃ\xC5mb_convert_variables()\x82̎\xA9\x93\xAE\x94\xBB\x92\xE8\x82\xF0\x8F\x95\x82\xAF\x82\xE9
-    $post_form_htm = <<<EOP
-<form id="resform" method="POST" action="{$_conf['post_php']}?guid=ON" accept-charset="{$_conf['accept_charset']}" onsubmit="disableSubmit(this)">
-	{$htm['resform_ttitle']}
-	{$htm['orig_msg']}
-	<input type="hidden" name="detect_hint" value="\x81\x9D\x81\x9E">
-	{$htm['subject']}
-	{$htm['maru_kakiko']} \x96\xBC\x91O\x81F <input id="FROM" name="FROM" type="text" value="{$hs['FROM']}"{$name_size_at}>{$k_br_ht} 
-	 E-mail : <input id="mail" name="mail" type="text" value="{$hs['mail']}"{$mail_size_at}{$on_check_sage}>
-	{$sage_cb_ht}{$k_br_ht}
-	<textarea id="MESSAGE" name="MESSAGE" rows="{$STYLE['post_msg_rows']}"{$msg_cols_at} wrap="{$wrap}"{$res_disabled_at}{$kakiko_on_js_ht}>{$MESSAGE_hs}</textarea>{$k_br_ht}
-	<input id="submit" type="submit" name="submit" value="{$submit_value}"{$res_disabled_at}{$htm['title_need_be']} onClick="setHiddenValue(this);">
-	{$htm['be2ch']}
-	<br>
-	{$htm['src_fix']}
-	<input type="hidden" name="bbs" value="{$bbs}">
-	<input type="hidden" name="key" value="{$key}">
-	<input type="hidden" name="time" value="{$time_for_post}">
-	<input type="hidden" name="host" value="{$host}">
-	<input type="hidden" name="popup" value="{$popup_hs}">
-	<input type="hidden" name="rescount" value="{$rescount}">
-	<input type="hidden" name="ttitle_en" value="{$ttitle_en_hs}">
-	<input type="hidden" name="csrfid" value="{$csrfid}">
-	{$newthread_hidden_ht}{$readnew_hidden_ht}
-	{$_conf['k_input_ht']}
-	<span id="status_post_form" style="font-size:10pt;"></span>\n
-    if (UA::isPC() || UA::isIPhoneGroup()) {
-        $post_form_htm .= <<<EOP
-<script type="text/javascript">
-var messageObj = document.getElementById('MESSAGE');
-if (!messageObj.value) {
-	hukkatuPostForm('{$host}', '{$bbs}', '{$key}');
-    }
-    if (!empty($GLOBALS['brazil'])) {
-        $post_form_htm .= $resable_msg_ht . "\n";
-    }
-    $post_form_htm .= "</form>\n";
-    return $post_form_htm;
- * Local Variables:
- * mode: php
- * coding: cp932
- * tab-width: 4
- * c-basic-offset: 4
- * indent-tabs-mode: nil
- * End:
- */
-// vim: set syn=php fenc=cp932 ai et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 fdm=marker:

P2-php-svn メーリングリストの案内
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