[perldocjp-cvs 674] CVS update: docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/LWP

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argra****@users***** argra****@users*****
2010年 10月 21日 (木) 04:11:22 JST

Index: docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/LWP/MediaTypes.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/LWP/MediaTypes.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Thu Oct 21 04:11:21 2010
+++ docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/LWP/MediaTypes.pod	Thu Oct 21 04:11:21 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+=encoding euc-jp
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+LWP::MediaTypes - guess media type for a file or a URL
+=end original
+LWP::MediaTypes - ファイルまたはURLのためのメディアタイプを推測する
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use LWP::MediaTypes qw(guess_media_type);
+ $type = guess_media_type("/tmp/foo.gif");
+=begin original
+This module provides functions for handling media (also known as
+MIME) types and encodings.  The mapping from file extensions to media
+types is defined by the F<media.types> file.  If the F<~/.media.types>
+file exists it is used instead.
+For backwards compatibility we will also look for F<~/.mime.types>.
+=end original
+F<media.types> ファイルによって定義されます。
+もし F<~/.media.types> ファイルが存在すれば、代わりにそれが使われます。
+以前のものとの互換性を保つために、F<~/.mime.types> も探します。
+=begin original
+The following functions are exported by default:
+=end original
+=over 4
+=item guess_media_type( $filename )
+=item guess_media_type( $uri )
+=item guess_media_type( $filename_or_uri, $header_to_modify )
+=begin original
+This function tries to guess media type and encoding for a file or a URI.
+It returns the content type, which is a string like C<"text/html">.
+In array context it also returns any content encodings applied (in the
+order used to encode the file).  You can pass a URI object
+reference, instead of the file name.
+=end original
+この関数はファイルまたは URI のためのメディアタイプとエンコードを
+これは C<"text/html"> のような文字列で、content-type を返します。
+適用されるすべての content-encodings を返します。
+ファイル名の代わりに URI オブジェクトリファレンスを渡すこともできます。
+=begin original
+If the type can not be deduced from looking at the file name,
+then guess_media_type() will let the C<-T> Perl operator take a look.
+If this works (and C<-T> returns a TRUE value) then we return
+I<text/plain> as the type, otherwise we return
+I<application/octet-stream> as the type.
+=end original
+ファイル名を見てもタイプがわからなければ、guess_media_type() は
+C<-T> Perl 演算子を使います。
+もしこれが働けば (そして C<-T> が TRUE を返せば)、タイプとして
+I<text/plain> を返します。
+そうでなければ I<application/octet-stream> をタイプとして返します。
+=begin original
+The optional second argument should be a reference to a HTTP::Headers
+object or any object that implements the $obj->header method in a
+similar way.  When it is present the values of the
+'Content-Type' and 'Content-Encoding' will be set for this header.
+=end original
+オプションの 2 番目の引数は、HTTP::Headers オブジェクトまたはそれと
+同様の方法で $obj->header を実装しているなんらかのオブジェクトへの
+それがあると、'Content-Type' と 'Content-Encoding' の値が
+=item media_suffix( $type, ... )
+=begin original
+This function will return all suffixes that can be used to denote the
+specified media type(s).  Wildcard types can be used.  In a scalar
+context it will return the first suffix found. Examples:
+=end original
+  @suffixes = media_suffix('image/*', 'audio/basic');
+  $suffix = media_suffix('text/html');
+=begin original
+The following functions are only exported by explicit request:
+=end original
+=over 4
+=item add_type( $type, @exts )
+=begin original
+Associate a list of file extensions with the given media type.
+=end original
+    add_type("x-world/x-vrml" => qw(wrl vrml));
+=item add_encoding( $type, @ext )
+=begin original
+Associate a list of file extensions with an encoding type.
+=end original
+ add_encoding("x-gzip" => "gz");
+=item read_media_types( @files )
+=begin original
+Parse media types files and add the type mappings found there.
+=end original
+    read_media_types("conf/mime.types");
+Copyright 1995-1999 Gisle Aas.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=begin meta
+Translated: Hippo2000 <GCD00****@nifty*****> (5.48)
+Updated: Kentaro SHIRAKATA <argra****@ub32*****> (5.813)
+=end meta
Index: docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/LWP/MemberMixin.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/LWP/MemberMixin.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Thu Oct 21 04:11:21 2010
+++ docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/LWP/MemberMixin.pod	Thu Oct 21 04:11:21 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+=encoding euc-jp
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+LWP::MemberMixin - Member access mixin class
+=end original
+LWP::MemberMixin - メンバーアクセス mixin クラス
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ package Foo;
+ require LWP::MemberMixin;
+ @ISA=qw(LWP::MemberMixin);
+=begin original
+A mixin class to get methods that provide easy access to member
+variables in the %$self.
+Ideally there should be better Perl language support for this.
+=end original
+%$self に入っているメンバー変数への簡単なアクセスを提供する
+get メソッドのためのmixinクラスです。
+理想的にはこれに対する Perl 言語によるよりよいサポートがあるべきです。
+=begin original
+There is only one method provided:
+=end original
+=over 4
+=item _elem($elem [, $val])
+=begin original
+Internal method to get/set the value of member variable
+C<$elem>. If C<$val> is present it is used as the new value
+for the member variable.  If it is not present the current
+value is not touched. In both cases the previous value of
+the member variable is returned.
+=end original
+メンバー変数 C<$elem> の値の取得/設定のための内部メソッド。
+C<$val> が存在すれば、メンバー変数のための新しい値として使われます。
+=begin meta
+Translated: Hippo2000 <GCD00****@nifty*****> (5.48)
+Updated: Kentaro SHIRAKATA <argra****@ub32*****> (5.813)
+=end meta
Index: docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/LWP/Protocol.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/LWP/Protocol.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Thu Oct 21 04:11:21 2010
+++ docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/LWP/Protocol.pod	Thu Oct 21 04:11:21 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+=encoding euc-jp
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+LWP::Protocol - Base class for LWP protocols
+=end original
+LWP::Protocol - LWP プロトコルの基底クラス
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ package LWP::Protocol::foo;
+ require LWP::Protocol;
+ @ISA=qw(LWP::Protocol);
+=begin original
+This class is used a the base class for all protocol implementations
+supported by the LWP library.
+=end original
+このクラスは LWP ライブラリによりサポートされるすべてのプロトコル実装のための
+=begin original
+When creating an instance of this class using
+C<LWP::Protocol::create($url)>, and you get an initialised subclass
+appropriate for that access method. In other words, the
+LWP::Protocol::create() function calls the constructor for one of its
+=end original
+C<LWP::Protocol::create($url)> を使ってこのクラスのインスタンスを作成すると、
+言い換えると、LWP::Protocol::create() はそのサブクラスの一つのための
+=begin original
+All derived LWP::Protocol classes need to override the request()
+method which is used to service a request. The overridden method can
+make use of the collect() function to collect together chunks of data
+as it is received.
+=end original
+LWP::Protocol から派生したすべてのクラスは、リクエストをサービスするために
+使われる request() メソッドをオーバーライドする必要があります。
+まとめるために collect() 関数を使うことが出来ます。
+=begin original
+The following methods and functions are provided:
+=end original
+=over 4
+=item $prot = LWP::Protocol->new()
+=begin original
+The LWP::Protocol constructor is inherited by subclasses. As this is a
+virtual base class this method should B<not> be called directly.
+=end original
+LWP::Protocol コンストラクタはサブクラスにより継承されます。
+これは仮想基底クラスなので、このメソッドは B<直接呼ばれるべきではありません>。
+=item $prot = LWP::Protocol::create($scheme)
+=begin original
+Create an object of the class implementing the protocol to handle the
+given scheme. This is a function, not a method. It is more an object
+factory than a constructor. This is the function user agents should
+use to access protocols.
+=end original
+=item $class = LWP::Protocol::implementor($scheme, [$class])
+=begin original
+Get and/or set implementor class for a scheme.  Returns '' if the
+specified scheme is not supported.
+=end original
+指定されたスキームがサポートされていなければ、'' を返します。
+=item $prot->request(...)
+ $response = $protocol->request($request, $proxy, undef);
+ $response = $protocol->request($request, $proxy, '/tmp/sss');
+ $response = $protocol->request($request, $proxy, \&callback, 1024);
+=begin original
+Dispatches a request over the protocol, and returns a response
+object. This method needs to be overridden in subclasses.  Refer to
+L<LWP::UserAgent> for description of the arguments.
+=end original
+引数の説明については L<LWP::UserAgent> を参照してください。
+=item $prot->collect($arg, $response, $collector)
+=begin original
+Called to collect the content of a request, and process it
+appropriately into a scalar, file, or by calling a callback.  If $arg
+is undefined, then the content is stored within the $response.  If
+$arg is a simple scalar, then $arg is interpreted as a file name and
+the content is written to this file.  If $arg is a reference to a
+routine, then content is passed to this routine.
+=end original
+$arg が未定義であれば、内容は $response に格納されます。
+$arg が単なるスカラであれば、$arg はファイル名と解釈され、内容はこの
+$arg がルーチンへのリファレンスであれば、内容はこの関数に渡されます。
+=begin original
+The $collector is a routine that will be called and which is
+responsible for returning pieces (as ref to scalar) of the content to
+process.  The $collector signals EOF by returning a reference to an
+empty sting.
+=end original
+$collectoer は呼ばれるルーチンです。
+そしてそれは処理する内容のカケラを (スカラへのリファレンスとして) 返すことに
+$collector は空文字列へのリファレンスを返すことで EOF を知らせます。
+=begin original
+The return value from collect() is the $response object reference.
+=end original
+collect() からの返り値は $response オブジェクトリファレンスです。
+=begin original
+B<Note:> We will only use the callback or file argument if
+$response->is_success().  This avoids sending content data for
+redirects and authentication responses to the callback which would be
+=end original
+B<注意:> $response->is_success() であったときだけ、コールバックや
+=item $prot->collect_once($arg, $response, $content)
+=begin original
+Can be called when the whole response content is available as
+$content.  This will invoke collect() with a collector callback that
+returns a reference to $content the first time and an empty string the
+=end original
+レスポンスの内容の全体が $content として利用できるときに呼ばれます。
+これは最初に $content へのリファレンスを、次に空文字列を返す
+collector コールバックで collect() を起動します。
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=begin original
+Inspect the F<LWP/Protocol/file.pm> and F<LWP/Protocol/http.pm> files
+for examples of usage.
+=end original
+使用例として F<LWP/Protocol/file.pm> と F<LWP/Protocol/http.pm> ファイルを
+Copyright 1995-2001 Gisle Aas.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=begin meta
+Translated: Hippo2000 <GCD00****@nifty*****> (5.48)
+Updated: Kentaro SHIRAKATA <argra****@ub32*****> (5.813)
+=end meta
Index: docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/LWP/RobotUA.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/LWP/RobotUA.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Thu Oct 21 04:11:21 2010
+++ docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/LWP/RobotUA.pod	Thu Oct 21 04:11:21 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+=encoding euc-jp
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+LWP::RobotUA - a class for well-behaved Web robots
+=end original
+LWP::RobotUA - よい振る舞いをする Web ロボットのためのクラス
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use LWP::RobotUA;
+  my $ua = LWP::RobotUA->new('my-robot/0.1', 'me****@foo*****');
+  $ua->delay(10);  # be very nice -- max one hit every ten minutes!
+  ...
+  # Then just use it just like a normal LWP::UserAgent:
+  my $response = $ua->get('http://whatever.int/...');
+  ...
+=begin original
+This class implements a user agent that is suitable for robot
+applications.  Robots should be nice to the servers they visit.  They
+should consult the F</robots.txt> file to ensure that they are welcomed
+and they should not make requests too frequently.
+=end original
+それらは F</robots.txt> を見て歓迎されていることを確認しなければなりません。
+=begin original
+But before you consider writing a robot, take a look at
+=end original
+<URL:http://www.robotstxt.org/> を見てください。
+=begin original
+When you use a I<LWP::RobotUA> object as your user agent, then you do not
+really have to think about these things yourself; C<robots.txt> files
+are automatically consulted and obeyed, the server isn't queried
+too rapidly, and so on.  Just send requests
+as you do when you are using a normal I<LWP::UserAgent>
+object (using C<< $ua->get(...) >>, C<< $ua->head(...) >>,
+C<< $ua->request(...) >>, etc.), and this
+special agent will make sure you are nice.
+=end original
+I<LWP::RobotUA> をあなたのユーザーエージェントとして使うとき、
+C<robots.txt> files
+are automatically consulted and obeyed, the server isn't queried
+too rapidly, and so on.
+通常の I<LWP::UserAgent> を使って
+(C<< $ua->get(...) >>, C<< $ua->head(...) >>,
+C<< $ua->request(...) >> などを使って)
+=head1 METHODS
+=begin original
+The LWP::RobotUA is a sub-class of LWP::UserAgent and implements the
+same methods. In addition the following methods are provided:
+=end original
+LWP::RobotUA は LWP::UserAgent のサブクラスで、同じメソッドを実装しています。
+=over 4
+=item $ua = LWP::RobotUA->new( %options )
+=item $ua = LWP::RobotUA->new( $agent, $from )
+=item $ua = LWP::RobotUA->new( $agent, $from, $rules )
+=begin original
+The LWP::UserAgent options C<agent> and C<from> are mandatory.  The
+options C<delay>, C<use_sleep> and C<rules> initialize attributes
+private to the RobotUA.  If C<rules> are not provided, then
+C<WWW::RobotRules> is instantiated providing an internal database of
+=end original
+The LWP::UserAgent options C<agent> and C<from> are mandatory.  The
+options C<delay>, C<use_sleep> and C<rules> initialize attributes
+private to the RobotUA.  If C<rules> are not provided, then
+C<WWW::RobotRules> is instantiated providing an internal database of
+=begin original
+It is also possible to just pass the value of C<agent>, C<from> and
+optionally C<rules> as plain positional arguments.
+=end original
+It is also possible to just pass the value of C<agent>, C<from> and
+optionally C<rules> as plain positional arguments.
+=item $ua->delay
+=item $ua->delay( $minutes )
+=begin original
+Get/set the minimum delay between requests to the same server, in
+I<minutes>.  The default is 1 minute.  Note that this number doesn't
+have to be an integer; for example, this sets the delay to 10 seconds:
+=end original
+デフォルトは 1 分です。
+Note that this number doesn't
+have to be an integer; for example, this sets the delay to 10 seconds:
+    $ua->delay(10/60);
+=item $ua->use_sleep
+=item $ua->use_sleep( $boolean )
+=begin original
+Get/set a value indicating whether the UA should sleep() if requests
+arrive too fast, defined as $ua->delay minutes not passed since
+last request to the given server.  The default is TRUE.  If this value is
+FALSE then an internal SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE response will be generated.
+It will have an Retry-After header that indicates when it is OK to
+send another request to this server.
+=end original
+リクエストの到着があまりに早い (与えられたサーバーへの最後の
+リクエストから $ua->delay 分が経過していないかどうかで決定されます) とき、
+UA が sleep() するべきかどうかを示す値を取得/設定します。
+もしこの値が偽であれば、内部の SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE が生成されます。
+このサーバに次のリクエストを送信することがいつになったら OK かを示す、
+Retry-After ヘッダを持ちます。
+=item $ua->rules
+=item $ua->rules( $rules )
+=begin original
+Set/get which I<WWW::RobotRules> object to use.
+=end original
+使用する I<WWW::RobotRules> オブジェクトの設定/取得します。
+=item $ua->no_visits( $netloc )
+=begin original
+Returns the number of documents fetched from this server host. Yeah I
+know, this method should probably have been named num_visits() or
+something like that. :-(
+=end original
+このメソッドが num_visits() とかなんとか名付けられるべきだってことは、
+=item $ua->host_wait( $netloc )
+=begin original
+Returns the number of I<seconds> (from now) you must wait before you can
+make a new request to this host.
+=end original
+このホストへ新しいリクエストをすることができるまで、(今から) I<何秒>
+=item $ua->as_string
+=begin original
+Returns a string that describes the state of the UA.
+Mainly useful for debugging.
+=end original
+UA の状態を示す文字列を返します。
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<LWP::UserAgent>, L<WWW::RobotRules>
+Copyright 1996-2004 Gisle Aas.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=begin meta
+Translated: Hippo2000 <GCD00****@nifty*****> (5.48)
+Updated: Kentaro SHIRAKATA <argra****@ub32*****> (5.813)
+=end meta

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