[perldocjp-cvs 1362] CVS update: docs/modules/Parallel-ForkManager-0.7.9/lib/Parallel

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ktats****@users***** ktats****@users*****
2011年 9月 23日 (金) 23:25:22 JST

Index: docs/modules/Parallel-ForkManager-0.7.9/lib/Parallel/ForkManager.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/modules/Parallel-ForkManager-0.7.9/lib/Parallel/ForkManager.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Fri Sep 23 23:25:22 2011
+++ docs/modules/Parallel-ForkManager-0.7.9/lib/Parallel/ForkManager.pod	Fri Sep 23 23:25:22 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
+=encoding utf8
+=head1 名前
+=begin original
+Parallel::ForkManager - A simple parallel processing fork manager
+=end original
+Parallel::ForkManager - 簡単な並列処理によるforkマネージャー
+=head1 概要
+  use Parallel::ForkManager;
+  $pm = new Parallel::ForkManager($MAX_PROCESSES);
+  foreach $data (@all_data) {
+    # Forks and returns the pid for the child:
+    my $pid = $pm->start and next;
+    ... do some work with $data in the child process ...
+    ... 子プロセスにより$dataに関するいくつかの処理を行う ...
+    $pm->finish; # Terminates the child process
+  }
+=head1 説明
+=begin original
+This module is intended for use in operations that can be done in parallel
+where the number of processes to be forked off should be limited. Typical
+use is a downloader which will be retrieving hundreds/thousands of files.
+=end original
+=begin original
+The code for a downloader would look something like this:
+=end original
+  use LWP::Simple;
+  use Parallel::ForkManager;
+  ...
+  @links=(
+    ["http://www.foo.bar/rulez.data","rulez_data.txt"],
+    ["http://new.host/more_data.doc","more_data.doc"],
+    ...
+  );
+  ...
+  # Max 30 processes for parallel download
+  # 最大30プロセスで並列的にダウンロードを行います
+  my $pm = new Parallel::ForkManager(30);
+  foreach my $linkarray (@links) {
+    $pm->start and next; # do the fork
+                         # forkさせます
+    my ($link,$fn) = @$linkarray;
+    warn "Cannot get $fn from $link"
+      if getstore($link,$fn) != RC_OK;
+    $pm->finish; # do the exit in the child process
+                 # 子プロセスをexitします
+  }
+  $pm->wait_all_children;
+=begin original
+First you need to instantiate the ForkManager with the "new" constructor.
+You must specify the maximum number of processes to be created. If you
+specify 0, then NO fork will be done; this is good for debugging purposes.
+=end original
+=begin original
+Next, use $pm->start to do the fork. $pm returns 0 for the child process,
+and child pid for the parent process (see also L<perlfunc(1p)/fork()>).
+The "and next" skips the internal loop in the parent process. NOTE:
+$pm->start dies if the fork fails.
+=end original
+次に,forkする為に$pm->startを使います. $pmは子プロセスの為に0にを返し,
+親プロセスの為に子pidを返します (または, L<perlfunc(1p)/fork()>を見て下さい).
+"and next"は親プロセスにおける内部の繰り返しをスキップします. 注意:
+=begin original
+$pm->finish terminates the child process (assuming a fork was done in the
+=end original
+$pm->finishは子プロセスを終了させます ("start"でforkを開始したと仮定した場合).
+=begin original
+NOTE: You cannot use $pm->start if you are already in the child process.
+If you want to manage another set of subprocesses in the child process,
+you must instantiate another Parallel::ForkManager object!
+=end original
+=head1 メソッド
+=begin original
+The comment letter indicates where the method should be run. P for parent,
+C for child.
+=end original
+後ろのコメントはどこでメソッドを使うかを示しています.P は親プロセスで,
+=over 5
+=item new $processes [, $tempdir]  # P
+=begin original
+Instantiate a new Parallel::ForkManager object. You must specify the maximum
+number of children to fork off. If you specify 0 (zero), then no children
+will be forked. This is intended for debugging purposes.
+=end original
+=begin original
+The optional second parameter, $tempdir, is only used if you want the
+children to send back a reference to some data (see RETRIEVING DATASTRUCTURES
+below). If not provided, it is set to $L<File::Spec>->tmpdir().
+=end original
+戻したい場合にのみ使います(後述のRETRIEVING DATASTRUCTURES を参照).
+与えられなければ,$L<File::Spec>->tmpdir() をセットします.
+=begin original
+The new method will die if the temporary directory does not exist or it is not
+a directory, whether you provided this parameter or the
+$L<File::Spec>->tmpdir() is used.
+=end original
+new メソッドはテンポラリディレクトリが存在しないか,それがディレクトリでなければ死にます.
+=item start [ $process_identifier ]  # P
+This method does the fork. It returns the pid of the child process for
+the parent, and 0 for the child process. If the $processes parameter
+for the constructor is 0 then, assuming you're in the child process,
+$pm->start simply returns 0.
+=end original
+=begin original
+An optional $process_identifier can be provided to this method... It is used by
+the "run_on_finish" callback (see CALLBACKS) for identifying the finished
+=end original
+=item finish [ $exit_code [, $data_structure_reference] ]  # C
+=begin original
+Closes the child process by exiting and accepts an optional exit code
+(default exit code is 0) which can be retrieved in the parent via callback.
+If the second optional parameter is provided, the child attempts to send
+it's contents back to the parent. If you use the program in debug mode
+($processes == 0), this method just calls the callback.
+=end original
+exit で子プロセスを閉じ,オプションとして終了コードを取ります(規定の 終了コードは 0 です).
+このプログラムをデバッグモードで使用する場合 ($processes == 0 の場合), 
+=begin original
+If the $data_structure_reference is provided, then it is serialized and
+passed to the parent process. See RETRIEVING DATASTRUCTURES for more info.
+=end original
+$data_structure_reference が渡された場合は,シリアライズされて親プロセスに渡されます.
+=item set_max_procs $processes  # P
+=begin original
+Allows you to set a new maximum number of children to maintain.
+=end original
+=item wait_all_children  # P
+=begin original
+You can call this method to wait for all the processes which have been
+forked. This is a blocking wait.
+=end original
+これはブロッキングする wait です.
+=head1 コールバック
+=begin original
+You can define callbacks in the code, which are called on events like starting
+a process or upon finish. Declare these before the first call to start().
+=end original
+=begin original
+The callbacks can be defined with the following methods:
+=end original
+=over 4
+=item run_on_finish $code [, $pid ]  # P
+=begin original
+You can define a subroutine which is called when a child is terminated. It is
+called in the parent process.
+=end original
+=begin original
+The paremeters of the $code are the following:
+=end original
+=begin original
+  - pid of the process, which is terminated
+  - exit code of the program
+  - identification of the process (if provided in the "start" method)
+  - exit signal (0-127: signal name)
+  - core dump (1 if there was core dump at exit)
+  - datastructure reference or undef (see RETRIEVING DATASTRUCTURES)
+=end original
+  - 終了するプロセスのpid
+  - プログラムの終了コード
+  - プロセスの識別 ("start"メソッドで提供される場合)
+  - 終了シグナル (0-127: シグナル名)
+  - コアダンプ (1 はコアダンプによる終了です)
+  - データ構造のリファレンスundef (RETRIEVING DATASTRUCTURES 参照)
+=item run_on_start $code  # P
+=begin original
+You can define a subroutine which is called when a child is started. It called
+after the successful startup of a child in the parent process.
+=end original
+=begin original
+The parameters of the $code are the following:
+=end original
+=begin original
+  - pid of the process which has been started
+  - identification of the process (if provided in the "start" method)
+=end original
+  - 開始されたプロセスのpid
+  - プロセスの識別 ("start"メソッドで提供される場合)
+=item run_on_wait $code, [$period]  # P
+=begin original
+You can define a subroutine which is called when the child process needs to wait
+for the startup. If $period is not defined, then one call is done per
+child. If $period is defined, then $code is called periodically and the
+module waits for $period seconds betwen the two calls. Note, $period can be
+fractional number also. The exact "$period seconds" is not guarranteed,
+signals can shorten and the process scheduler can make it longer (on busy
+=end original
+正確な"$period seconds"であることは保障しません,
+シグナルは短縮することができ,プロセススケジューラーでは長くすることができます (忙しいシステムでは).
+=begin original
+The $code called in the "start" and the "wait_all_children" method also.
+=end original
+=begin original
+No parameters are passed to the $code on the call.
+=end original
+=head1 例
+=head1 RETRIEVING DATASTRUCTURES from child processes
+=begin original
+The ability for the parent to retrieve data structures is new as of version
+=end original
+=begin original
+Each child process may optionally send 1 data structure back to the parent.
+By data structure, we mean a reference to a string, hash or array. The
+contents of the data structure are written out to temporary files on disc
+using the L<Storable> modules' store() method. The reference is then
+retrieved from within the code you send to the run_on_finish callback.
+=end original
+リファレンスはrun_on_finish コールバックに送ったコード内で取得されます.
+=begin original
+The data structure can be any scalar perl data structure which makes sense:
+string, numeric value or a reference to an array, hash or object.
+=end original
+=begin original
+There are 2 steps involved in retrieving data structures:
+=end original
+=begin original
+1) A reference to the data structure the child wishes to send back to the
+parent is provided as the second argument to the finish() call. It is up
+to the child to decide whether or not to send anything back to the parent.
+=end original
+1) 子プロセスが親プロセスに返したいデータ構造のリファレンスは
+=begin original
+2) The data structure reference is retrieved using the callback provided in
+the run_on_finish() method.
+=end original
+2) データ構造のリファレンスはrun_on_finish メソッドで与えられたコールバックを使って
+=begin original
+Keep in mind that data structure retrieval is not the same as returning a
+data structure from a method call. That is not what actually occurs. The
+data structure referenced in a given child process is serialized and
+written out to a file by L<Storable>. The file is subsequently read back
+into memory and a new data structure belonging to the parent process is
+created. Please consider the performance penality it can imply, so try to
+keep the returned structure small.
+=end original
+=head1 例
+=head2 並列 get
+=begin original
+This small example can be used to get URLs in parallel.
+=end original
+  use Parallel::ForkManager;
+  use LWP::Simple;
+  my $pm=new Parallel::ForkManager(10);
+  for my $link (@ARGV) {
+    $pm->start and next;
+    my ($fn)= $link =~ /^.*\/(.*?)$/;
+    if (!$fn) {
+      warn "Cannot determine filename from $fn\n";
+    } else {
+      $0.=" ".$fn;
+      print "Getting $fn from $link\n";
+      my $rc=getstore($link,$fn);
+      print "$link downloaded. response code: $rc\n";
+    };
+    $pm->finish;
+  };
+=head2 コールバック
+=begin original
+Example of a program using callbacks to get child exit codes:
+=end original
+  use strict;
+  use Parallel::ForkManager;
+  my $max_procs = 5;
+  my @names = qw( Fred Jim Lily Steve Jessica Bob Dave Christine Rico Sara );
+  # hash to resolve PID's back to child specific information
+  my $pm = new Parallel::ForkManager($max_procs);
+  # Setup a callback for when a child finishes up so we can
+  # get it's exit code
+  # 子プロセスが終了する際に終了コードを取得する為の設定
+  $pm->run_on_finish(
+    sub { my ($pid, $exit_code, $ident) = @_;
+      print "** $ident just got out of the pool ".
+        "with PID $pid and exit code: $exit_code\n";
+    }
+  );
+  $pm->run_on_start(
+    sub { my ($pid,$ident)=@_;
+      print "** $ident started, pid: $pid\n";
+    }
+  );
+  $pm->run_on_wait(
+    sub {
+      print "** Have to wait for one children ...\n"
+    },
+    0.5
+  );
+  foreach my $child ( 0 .. $#names ) {
+    my $pid = $pm->start($names[$child]) and next;
+    # This code is the child process
+    # このコードは子プロセスです
+    print "This is $names[$child], Child number $child\n";
+    sleep ( 2 * $child );
+    print "$names[$child], Child $child is about to get out...\n";
+    sleep 1;
+    $pm->finish($child); # pass an exit code to finish
+  }
+  print "Waiting for Children...\n";
+  $pm->wait_all_children;
+  print "Everybody is out of the pool!\n";
+=head2 データ構造の取得
+=begin original
+In this simple example, each child sends back a string reference.
+=end original
+  use Parallel::ForkManager 0.7.6;
+  use strict;
+  my $pm = new Parallel::ForkManager(2, '/server/path/to/temp/dir/');
+  # data structure retrieval and handling
+  # データ構造の取得と取扱
+  $pm -> run_on_finish ( # called BEFORE the first call to start()
+    sub {
+      my ($pid, $exit_code, $ident, $exit_signal, $core_dump, $data_structure_reference) = @_;
+      # retrieve data structure from child
+      # データ構造を子プロセスから取得
+      if (defined($data_structure_reference)) {  # children are not forced to send anything
+        my $string = ${$data_structure_reference};  # child passed a string reference
+        print "$string\n";
+      } else {  # problems occuring during storage or retrieval will throw a warning
+        print qq|No message received from child process $pid!\n|;
+      }
+    }
+  );
+  # prep random statement components
+  my @foods = ('chocolate', 'ice cream', 'peanut butter', 'pickles', 'pizza', 'bacon', 'pancakes', 'spaghetti', 'cookies');
+  my @preferences = ('loves', q|can't stand|, 'always wants more', 'will walk 100 miles for', 'only eats', 'would starve rather than eat');
+  # run the parallel processes
+  # 並列プロセスを実行
+  my $person = '';
+  foreach $person (qw(Fred Wilma Ernie Bert Lucy Ethel Curly Moe Larry)) {
+    $pm->start() and next;
+    # generate a random statement about food preferences
+    my $statement = $person . ' ' . $preferences[int(rand @preferences)] . ' ' . $foods[int(rand @foods)];
+    # send it back to the parent process
+    # 親プロセスへ戻す
+    $pm->finish(0, \$statement);  # note that it's a scalar REFERENCE, not the scalar itself
+  }
+  $pm->wait_all_children;
+=begin original
+A second datastructure retrieval example demonstrates how children decide
+whether or not to send anything back, what to send and how the parent should
+process whatever is retrieved.
+=end original
+=for example begin
+  use Parallel::ForkManager 0.7.6;
+  use Data::Dumper;  # to display the data structures retrieved.
+  use strict;
+  my $pm = new Parallel::ForkManager(20);  # using the system temp dir $L<File::Spec>->tmpdir()
+  # data structure retrieval and handling
+  my %retrieved_responses = ();  # for collecting responses
+  $pm -> run_on_finish (
+    sub {
+      my ($pid, $exit_code, $ident, $exit_signal, $core_dump, $data_structure_reference) = @_;
+      # see what the child sent us, if anything
+      if (defined($data_structure_reference)) {  # test rather than assume child sent anything
+        my $reftype = ref($data_structure_reference);
+        print qq|ident "$ident" returned a "$reftype" reference.\n\n|;
+        if (1) {  # simple on/off switch to display the contents
+          print &Dumper($data_structure_reference) . qq|end of "$ident" sent structure\n\n|;
+        }
+        # we can also collect retrieved data structures for processing after all children have exited
+        $retrieved_responses{$ident} = $data_structure_reference;
+      } else {
+        print qq|ident "$ident" did not send anything.\n\n|;  
+      }
+    }
+  );
+  # generate a list of instructions
+  my @instructions = (  # a unique identifier and what the child process should send
+    {'name' => '%ENV keys as a string', 'send' => 'keys'},
+    {'name' => 'Send Nothing'},  # not instructing the child to send anything back to the parent
+    {'name' => 'Childs %ENV', 'send' => 'all'},
+    {'name' => 'Child chooses randomly', 'send' => 'random'},
+    {'name' => 'Invalid send instructions', 'send' => 'Na Na Nana Na'},
+    {'name' => 'ENV values in an array', 'send' => 'values'},
+  );
+  my $instruction = '';
+  foreach $instruction (@instructions) {
+    $pm->start($instruction->{'name'}) and next;  # this time we are using an explicit, unique child process identifier
+    # last step in child processing
+    $pm->finish(0) unless $instruction->{'send'};  # no data structure is sent unless this child is told what to send.
+    if ($instruction->{'send'} eq 'keys') {
+      $pm->finish(0, \join(', ', keys %ENV));
+    } elsif ($instruction->{'send'} eq 'values') {
+      $pm->finish(0, [values %ENV]);  # kinda useless without knowing which keys they belong to...
+    } elsif ($instruction->{'send'} eq 'all') {
+      $pm->finish(0, \%ENV);  # remember, we are not "returning" anything, just copying the hash to disc
+    # demonstrate clearly that the child determines what type of reference to send
+    } elsif ($instruction->{'send'} eq 'random') {
+      my $string = q|I'm just a string.|;
+      my @array = qw(I am an array);
+      my %hash = (type => 'associative array', synonym => 'hash', cool => 'very :)');
+      my $return_choice = ('string', 'array', 'hash')[int(rand 3)];  # randomly choose return data type
+      $pm->finish(0, \$string) if ($return_choice eq 'string');
+      $pm->finish(0, \@array) if ($return_choice eq 'array');
+      $pm->finish(0, \%hash) if ($return_choice eq 'hash');
+    # as a responsible child, inform parent that their instruction was invalid
+    } else {  
+      $pm->finish(0, \qq|Invalid instructions: "$instruction->{'send'}".|);  # ordinarily I wouldn't include invalid input in a response...
+    }
+  }
+  $pm->wait_all_children;  # blocks until all forked processes have exited
+  # post fork processing of returned data structures
+  for (sort keys %retrieved_responses) {
+    print qq|Post processing "$_"...\n|;
+  }
+=for example end
+=head1 バグ と 制限
+=begin original
+Do not use Parallel::ForkManager in an environment, where other child
+processes can affect the run of the main program, so using this module
+is not recommended in an environment where fork() / wait() is already used.
+=end original
+したがってこのモジュールを使用するのはfork() / wait()が既に使用される環境で推薦されません.
+=begin original
+If you want to use more than one copies of the Parallel::ForkManager, then
+you have to make sure that all children processes are terminated, before you
+use the second object in the main program.
+=end original
+=begin original
+You are free to use a new copy of Parallel::ForkManager in the child
+processes, although I don't think it makes sense.
+=end original
+Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Szab坦, Bal叩zs (dLux)
+All right reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 作者
+  dLux (Szab坦, Bal叩zs) <dlux****@kapu*****>
+=head1 クレジット
+  Noah Robin <sitz****@onast*****> (documentation tweaks)
+  Chuck Hirstius <chirs****@megap*****> (callback exit status, example)
+  Grant Hopwood <hopwo****@valer*****> (win32 port)
+  Mark Southern <mark_south****@merck*****> (bugfix)
+  Ken Clarke <www.perlprogrammer.net>  (datastructure retrieval)
+=head1 翻訳者
+ atsushi kobayashi(nekok****@users*****)
+ Atsushi Kato (ktat****@cpan*****) -- 0.75 から 0.79 の差分を翻訳

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