[perldocjp-cvs 2039] CVS update: docs/perl/5.22.1

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argra****@users***** argra****@users*****
2017年 3月 28日 (火) 04:25:12 JST

Index: docs/perl/5.22.1/perlclib.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/perl/5.22.1/perlclib.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Tue Mar 28 04:25:12 2017
+++ docs/perl/5.22.1/perlclib.pod	Tue Mar 28 04:25:12 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+=encoding euc-jp
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+perlclib - Internal replacements for standard C library functions
+=end original
+perlclib - 標準 C ライブラリ関数の内部的な代用品
+=begin original
+One thing Perl porters should note is that F<perl> doesn't tend to use that
+much of the C standard library internally; you'll see very little use of, 
+for example, the F<ctype.h> functions in there. This is because Perl
+tends to reimplement or abstract standard library functions, so that we
+know exactly how they're going to operate.
+=end original
+Perl porters が注意するべき事のひとつは、F<perl> は内部で C 標準ライブラリを
+あまり使わないようにしていると言うことです; 例えば、F<ctype.h> 関数は
+これは、どのような操作をしようとしているかを正確に知るために、Perl は
+=begin original
+This is a reference card for people who are familiar with the C library
+and who want to do things the Perl way; to tell them which functions
+they ought to use instead of the more normal C functions. 
+=end original
+これは C ライブラリに慣れていて Perl 方式で何かをしたい人々のための
+リファレンスカードです; より普通の C 関数の代わりに使うべき関数を示します。
+=head2 Conventions
+=begin original
+In the following tables:
+=end original
+=over 3
+=item C<t>
+=begin original
+is a type.
+=end original
+=item C<p>
+=begin original
+is a pointer.
+=end original
+=item C<n>
+=begin original
+is a number.
+=end original
+=item C<s>
+=begin original
+is a string.
+=end original
+=begin original
+C<sv>, C<av>, C<hv>, etc. represent variables of their respective types.
+=end original
+C<sv>, C<av>, C<hv> などはそれぞれ対応する型の変数です。
+=head2 File Operations
+=begin original
+Instead of the F<stdio.h> functions, you should use the Perl abstraction
+layer. Instead of C<FILE*> types, you need to be handling C<PerlIO*>
+types.  Don't forget that with the new PerlIO layered I/O abstraction 
+C<FILE*> types may not even be available. See also the C<perlapio>
+documentation for more information about the following functions:
+=end original
+F<stdio.h> 関数の代わりに、Perl 抽象層を使うべきです。
+C<FILE*> 型の代わりに、C<PerlIO*> 型を扱う必要があります。
+新しい PerlIO 層の I/O 抽象化では C<FILE*> 型は利用できないかも知れないことを
+以下の関数に関するさらなる詳細については C<perlapio> 文書を
+ Instead Of:                 Use:
+ stdin                       PerlIO_stdin()
+ stdout                      PerlIO_stdout()
+ stderr                      PerlIO_stderr()
+ fopen(fn, mode)             PerlIO_open(fn, mode)
+ freopen(fn, mode, stream)   PerlIO_reopen(fn, mode, perlio) (Dep-
+                               recated)
+ fflush(stream)              PerlIO_flush(perlio)
+ fclose(stream)              PerlIO_close(perlio)
+=head2 File Input and Output
+ Instead Of:                 Use:
+ fprintf(stream, fmt, ...)   PerlIO_printf(perlio, fmt, ...)
+ [f]getc(stream)             PerlIO_getc(perlio)
+ [f]putc(stream, n)          PerlIO_putc(perlio, n)
+ ungetc(n, stream)           PerlIO_ungetc(perlio, n)
+=begin original
+Note that the PerlIO equivalents of C<fread> and C<fwrite> are slightly
+different from their C library counterparts:
+=end original
+C<fread> と C<fwrite> の PerlIO の代用品は C ライブラリの対応物とは
+ fread(p, size, n, stream)   PerlIO_read(perlio, buf, numbytes)
+ fwrite(p, size, n, stream)  PerlIO_write(perlio, buf, numbytes)
+ fputs(s, stream)            PerlIO_puts(perlio, s)
+=begin original
+There is no equivalent to C<fgets>; one should use C<sv_gets> instead:
+=end original
+C<fgets> の等価物はありません; 代わりに C<sv_gets> を使うべきです:
+ fgets(s, n, stream)         sv_gets(sv, perlio, append)
+=head2 File Positioning
+ Instead Of:                 Use:
+ feof(stream)                PerlIO_eof(perlio)
+ fseek(stream, n, whence)    PerlIO_seek(perlio, n, whence)
+ rewind(stream)              PerlIO_rewind(perlio)
+ fgetpos(stream, p)          PerlIO_getpos(perlio, sv)
+ fsetpos(stream, p)          PerlIO_setpos(perlio, sv)
+ ferror(stream)              PerlIO_error(perlio)
+ clearerr(stream)            PerlIO_clearerr(perlio)
+=head2 Memory Management and String Handling
+ Instead Of:                    Use:
+ t* p = malloc(n)               Newx(p, n, t)
+ t* p = calloc(n, s)            Newxz(p, n, t)
+ p = realloc(p, n)              Renew(p, n, t)
+ memcpy(dst, src, n)            Copy(src, dst, n, t)
+ memmove(dst, src, n)           Move(src, dst, n, t)
+ memcpy(dst, src, sizeof(t))    StructCopy(src, dst, t)
+ memset(dst, 0, n * sizeof(t))  Zero(dst, n, t)
+ memzero(dst, 0)                Zero(dst, n, char)
+ free(p)                        Safefree(p)
+ strdup(p)                      savepv(p)
+ strndup(p, n)                  savepvn(p, n) (Hey, strndup doesn't
+                                               exist!)
+ strstr(big, little)            instr(big, little)
+ strcmp(s1, s2)                 strLE(s1, s2) / strEQ(s1, s2)
+                                              / strGT(s1,s2)
+ strncmp(s1, s2, n)             strnNE(s1, s2, n) / strnEQ(s1, s2, n)
+ memcmp(p1, p2, n)              memNE(p1, p2, n)
+ !memcmp(p1, p2, n)             memEQ(p1, p2, n)
+=begin original
+Notice the different order of arguments to C<Copy> and C<Move> than used
+in C<memcpy> and C<memmove>.
+=end original
+C<Copy> および C<Move> の引数の順番は C<memcpy> および C<memmove> と異なる
+=begin original
+Most of the time, though, you'll want to be dealing with SVs internally
+instead of raw C<char *> strings:
+=end original
+しかし、大抵の場合、生の C<char *> 文字列ではなく内部的に SV を
+ strlen(s)                   sv_len(sv)
+ strcpy(dt, src)             sv_setpv(sv, s)
+ strncpy(dt, src, n)         sv_setpvn(sv, s, n)
+ strcat(dt, src)             sv_catpv(sv, s)
+ strncat(dt, src)            sv_catpvn(sv, s)
+ sprintf(s, fmt, ...)        sv_setpvf(sv, fmt, ...)
+=begin original
+Note also the existence of C<sv_catpvf> and C<sv_vcatpvfn>, combining
+concatenation with formatting.
+=end original
+連結とフォーマッティングを結合した C<sv_catpvf> および C<sv_vcatpvfn> が
+=begin original
+Sometimes instead of zeroing the allocated heap by using Newxz() you
+should consider "poisoning" the data.  This means writing a bit
+pattern into it that should be illegal as pointers (and floating point
+numbers), and also hopefully surprising enough as integers, so that
+any code attempting to use the data without forethought will break
+sooner rather than later.  Poisoning can be done using the Poison()
+macros, which have similar arguments to Zero():
+=end original
+時々、Newxz() を使って割り当てられたヒープをゼロにする代わりにデータに
+毒入れは Zero() と似たような引数を持つ Poison() マクロで行えます:
+ PoisonWith(dst, n, t, b)    scribble memory with byte b
+ PoisonNew(dst, n, t)        equal to PoisonWith(dst, n, t, 0xAB)
+ PoisonFree(dst, n, t)       equal to PoisonWith(dst, n, t, 0xEF)
+ Poison(dst, n, t)           equal to PoisonFree(dst, n, t)
+=head2 Character Class Tests
+=begin original
+There are several types of character class tests that Perl implements.
+The only ones described here are those that directly correspond to C
+library functions that operate on 8-bit characters, but there are
+equivalents that operate on wide characters, and UTF-8 encoded strings.
+All are more fully described in L<perlapi/Character classification> and
+L<perlapi/Character case changing>.
+=end original
+Perl が実装しているいくつか種類の文字クラステストがあります。
+ここで記述しているのは 8 ビット文字を操作する C ライブライブラリに直接
+対応しているもののみですが、ワイド文字、UTF-8 エンコード文字を操作する
+全ては L<perlapi/Character classification> と
+L<perlapi/Character case changing> でより完全に記述されています。
+=begin original
+The C library routines listed in the table below return values based on
+the current locale.  Use the entries in the final column for that
+functionality.  The other two columns always assume a POSIX (or C)
+locale.  The entries in the ASCII column are only meaningful for ASCII
+inputs, returning FALSE for anything else.  Use these only when you
+B<know> that is what you want.  The entries in the Latin1 column assume
+that the non-ASCII 8-bit characters are as Unicode defines, them, the
+same as ISO-8859-1, often called Latin 1.
+=end original
+後述する表に挙げられている C ライブラリルーチンは現在のロケールを基にした
+残りの二つの列は常に POSIX (あるいは C) ロケールを仮定します。
+ASCII 列のエントリは ASCII 入力でのみ意味を持ち、それ以外では FALSE を
+これが望んでいるものであると B<分かっている> 場合にのみこれを使ってください。
+Latin1 列のエントリは、非 ASCII 8 ビット文字は Unicode が定義しているように、
+ISO-8859-1 (しばしば Latin 1 と呼ばれます) であると仮定します。
+=begin original
+ Instead Of:  Use for ASCII:   Use for Latin1:      Use for locale:
+=end original
+ 元:         ASCII 用:         Latin1 用:           ロケール用:
+ isalpha(c)  isALPHA(c)        isALPHA_L1(c)        isALPHA_LC(u )
+ isascii(c)  isASCII(c)                             isASCII_LC(c)
+ isblank(c)  isBLANK(c)        isBLANK_L1(c)        isBLANK_LC(c)
+ iscntrl(c)  isCNTRL(c)        isCNTRL_L1(c)        isCNTRL_LC(c)
+ isdigit(c)  isDIGIT(c)        isDIGIT_L1(c)        isDIGIT_LC(c)
+ isgraph(c)  isGRAPH(c)        isGRAPH_L1(c)        isGRAPH_LC(c)
+ islower(c)  isLOWER(c)        isLOWER_L1(c)        isLOWER_LC(c)
+ isprint(c)  isPRINT(c)        isPRINT_L1(c)        isPRINT_LC(c)
+ ispunct(c)  isPUNCT(c)        isPUNCT_L1(c)        isPUNCT_LC(c)
+ isspace(c)  isSPACE(c)        isSPACE_L1(c)        isSPACE_LC(c)
+ isupper(c)  isUPPER(c)        isUPPER_L1(c)        isUPPER_LC(c)
+ isxdigit(c) isXDIGIT(c)       isXDIGIT_L1(c)       isXDIGIT_LC(c)
+ tolower(c)  toLOWER(c)        toLOWER_L1(c)        toLOWER_LC(c)
+ toupper(c)  toUPPER(c)                             toUPPER_LC(c)
+=begin original
+To emphasize that you are operating only on ASCII characters, you can
+append C<_A> to each of the macros in the ASCII column: C<isALPHA_A>,
+C<isDIGIT_A>, and so on.
+=end original
+念を押しておくと、ASCII 文字のみを操作するなら、ASCII の列のそれぞれの
+マクロに C<_A> を追加したものが使えます: C<isALPHA_A>, C<isDIGIT_A> などです。
+=begin original
+(There is no entry in the Latin1 column for C<isascii> even though there
+is an C<isASCII_L1>, which is identical to C<isASCII>;  the
+latter name is clearer.  There is no entry in the Latin1 column for
+C<toupper> because the result can be non-Latin1.  You have to use
+C<toUPPER_uni>, as described in L<perlapi/Character case changing>.)
+=end original
+(C<isASCII> と等価な C<isASCII_L1> というものはありますが、C<isascii> の
+Latin1 の列はありません; 前者の名前の方が明確です。
+C<toupper> の Latin1 の列はありません; 結果は非 Latin1 に
+L<perlapi/Character case changing> に記述されている C<toUPPER_uni> を
+=head2 F<stdlib.h> functions
+(F<stdlib.h> 関数)
+ Instead Of:                 Use:
+ atof(s)                     Atof(s)
+ atoi(s)                     grok_atoUV(s, &uv, &e)
+ atol(s)                     grok_atoUV(s, &uv, &e)
+ strtod(s, &p)               Nothing.  Just don't use it.
+ strtol(s, &p, n)            grok_atoUV(s, &uv, &e)
+ strtoul(s, &p, n)           grok_atoUV(s, &uv, &e)
+=begin original
+Typical use is to do range checks on C<uv> before casting:
+=end original
+典型的な使用法は、キャストする前の C<uv> の範囲チェックです:
+  int i; UV uv; char* end_ptr;
+  if (grok_atoUV(input, &uv, &end_ptr)
+      && uv <= INT_MAX)
+    i = (int)uv;
+    ... /* continue parsing from end_ptr */
+  } else {
+    ... /* parse error: not a decimal integer in range 0 .. MAX_IV */
+  }
+=begin original
+Notice also the C<grok_bin>, C<grok_hex>, and C<grok_oct> functions in
+F<numeric.c> for converting strings representing numbers in the respective
+bases into C<NV>s.  Note that grok_atoUV() doesn't handle negative inputs,
+or leading whitespace (being purposefully strict).
+=end original
+それぞれの基数で数値を表現している文字列を C<NV> に変換するための
+F<numeric.c> にある C<grok_bin>, C<grok_hex>, C<grok_oct> 関数にも
+grok_atoUV() は負の入力や銭湯の空白を扱わないことに注意してください
+=begin original
+Note that strtol() and strtoul() may be disguised as Strtol(), Strtoul(),
+Atol(), Atoul().  Avoid those, too.
+=end original
+strtol() と strtoul() は Strtol(), Strtoul(), Atol(), Atoul() と言う形に
+=begin original
+In theory C<Strtol> and C<Strtoul> may not be defined if the machine perl is
+built on doesn't actually have strtol and strtoul. But as those 2
+functions are part of the 1989 ANSI C spec we suspect you'll find them
+everywhere by now.
+=end original
+理論的には、perl がビルドされたマシンに実際に strtol や strtoul がない
+場合、C<Strtol> と C<Strtoul> は定義されないかもしれません。
+しかしこれらの 2 関数は 1989 ANSI C 使用の一部なので、今のところどこでも
+ int rand()                  double Drand01()
+ srand(n)                    { seedDrand01((Rand_seed_t)n);
+                               PL_srand_called = TRUE; }
+ exit(n)                     my_exit(n)
+ system(s)                   Don't. Look at pp_system or use my_popen.
+ getenv(s)                   PerlEnv_getenv(s)
+ setenv(s, val)              my_setenv(s, val)
+=head2 Miscellaneous functions
+=begin original
+You should not even B<want> to use F<setjmp.h> functions, but if you
+think you do, use the C<JMPENV> stack in F<scope.h> instead.
+=end original
+F<setjmp.h> 関数を使おうと B<思う> ことすらするべきではありませんが、もし
+そう考えているなら、代わりに F<scope.h> の C<JMPENV> スタックを
+=begin original
+For C<signal>/C<sigaction>, use C<rsignal(signo, handler)>.
+=end original
+C<signal>/C<sigaction> については、C<rsignal(signo, handler)> を
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<perlapi>, L<perlapio>, L<perlguts>
+=begin meta
+Translate: SHIRAKATA Kentaro <argra****@ub32*****>
+Status: completed
+=end meta

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