[php-i18n-commits] Hug.e in.vestor A.LERT - GDNO w.ill be ho.t on 8.th of J.uly

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Casandra Lugo eseyy****@freem*****
2004年 7月 8日 (木) 16:32:39 JST


Recomme.ndation: STR.ONG B.UY

We Be.lieve the SP.ECULATIVE NE.AR T.ERM TARG.ET P.RICE is - $1.12
We Belie.ve the SPECULAT.IVE N.EAR TER.M TA.RGET PRI.CE is - $1.30

BEFORE WE CONTINUE - VERY IMPORTANT - it is Expected that GDNO will have
VERY large PR campaign in the next 10 days and some very positive news are


 Breaking News: Golden Opportunity Resources Inc. To Commence Drilling The Black Tiger

Sto.ck Expe.cted to Exp.lode on Thur.sday Ju.ly 8.th - Num.erous newslet.ters will pro.file the co.mpany

GDNO - is set to explode on Thursday

We Be.lieve the SPEC.ULATIVE NEAR TE.RM TARGET PRI.CE is - $1.12
We Believ.e the SPECU.LATIVE NEAR TER.M TARG.ET PR.ICE is - $1.30

       ++ URGE.NT Tr.ading Al.ert ++

Comp.any Prof.ile
Gol.den Oppor.tunity R.esources, Inc., 
Symbol: GDNO
Cu.rrent Pr.ice: $0.36
Ra.ting: Under.valued

We B.elieve the SPECUL.ATIVE NEAR TE.RM TARGE.T PRI.CE is - $1.30

 --------->>> NEWS  <<<-------------------

MISSO.ULA, MT,  /PRNew.swire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Golden Opportun.ity Resources, Inc., (OTC Pink: GDNO) a Neva.da Corporation. 

Gold.en Opportu.nity Re.sources is pleased to report that it will soon com.mence dril.ling the first we.ll on the Bl.ack Tig.er prosp.ect with its 50/50 jo.int ve.nture part.ner, Big Sn.owy Reso.urces L.P. Rig mobil.ization and preliminary grou.ndwork has been complet.ed and has facili.tated the dril.ling to begin the sec.ond week of July. 

Mr. Bill Mor.ton, co.mpany Pres.ident and C.EO sta.tes, "we are extr.emely exc.ited to be dril.ling the Bl.ack Ti.ger, consider.ing the his.tory, geo.logy and lo.cation of this pro.spect." 

The Bla.ck Ti.ger pr.oject is loc.ated wi.thin the so.uth cent.ral po.rtion of the Central Montana Upl.ift, approxi.mately 60 miles north of Bill.ings in T10N, R25E of Musse.lshell County, Montana. Struct.urally, the field lies on the southe.astern plunging nose of the huge Devil's Basin anticline and just 7 miles west of the original Tyler discovery in the Big Wall Oil Field. 

Since the Texas Company (Texaco) Tyler discovery at Big Wall on April 4, 1948, over 110 million barrels of Tyler oil have been produced in the Tyler Fairway within 50 miles of the "Black Tiger" prospect. 

Inform.ation within this email contains "f.orward look.ing state.ments" within the meaning of Sect.ion 27A of the Sec.urities Ac.t of 1933 and Sect.ion 21B of the Securit.ies Exc.hange Ac.t of 1934. Any stat.ements that express or involve discu.ssions with resp.ect to pre.dictions, goa.ls, expec.tations, be.liefs, pl.ans, proje.ctions, object.ives, assu.mptions or fut.ure eve.nts or perform.ance are not stat.ements of histo.rical fact and may be "forw.ard loo.king stat.ements."
For.ward looking state.ments are based on expect.ations, estim.ates and project.ions at the time the statem.ents are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those prese.ntly anticipated. Forward look.ing statements in this action may be identified through the use of words su.ch as: "pro.jects", "for.esee", "expects", "est.imates," "be.lieves," "underst.ands" "wil.l," "part of: "anticip.ates," or that by stat.ements indi.cating certain actions "may," "cou.ld," or "might" occur. All information provided within this em.ail pertai.ning to inv.esting, st.ocks, securi.ties must be under.stood as informa.tion provided and not investm.ent advice. Eme.rging Equity Al.ert advi.ses all re.aders and subscrib.ers to seek advice from a registered profe.ssional secu.rities represent.ative before dec.iding to trade in sto.cks featured within this ema.il. None of the mate.rial within this rep.ort shall be const
 r.ued as any kind of invest.ment advi.ce. Please have in mind that the interpr.etation of the witer of this newsl.etter about the news published by the company does not represent the com.pany official sta.tement and in fact may differ from the real meaning of what the news rele.ase meant to say. Please read the news release by your.self and judge by yourself about the detai.ls in it.
In compli.ance with Sec.tion 17(b), we disclose the holding of GDNO shares prior to the publi.cation of this report. Be aware of an inherent co.nflict of interest res.ulting from such holdi.ngs due to our intent to pro.fit from the liqui.dation of these shares. Sh.ares may be s.old at any time, even after posi.tive state.ments have been made regard.ing the above company. Since we own sh.ares, there is an inher.ent conf.lict of inte.rest in our statem.ents and opin.ions. Readers of this publi.cation are cauti.oned not to place und.ue relia.nce on forw.ard-looki.ng statements, which are based on certain assump.tions and expectati.ons invo.lving various risks and uncert.ainties, that could cause results to differ materi..ally from those set forth in the forw.ard- looking state.ments. 

Please be advi.sed that noth.ing within this em.ail shall cons.titute a solic.itation or an offer to buy or sell any s.ecurity menti.oned her.ein. This news.letter is neither a regi.stered inves.tment ad.visor nor affil.iated with any brok.er or dealer. All statements made are our express opinion only and should be treated as such. We may own, buy and sell any securi.ties menti.oned at any time. This report includes forw.ard-looki.ng stat.ements within the meaning of The Pri.vate Securi.ties Litig.ation Ref.orm Ac.t of 1995. These state.ments may include terms as "expe.ct", "bel.ieve", "ma.y", "wi.ll", "mo.ve","und.ervalued" and "inte.nd" or simil.ar terms. This news.letter was paid $6500 from th.ird p.arty to se.nd this report. PL.EASE DO YOUR OWN D.UE DI.LIGENCE B.EFORE INVES.TING IN ANY PRO.FILED COMP.ANY. You may lo.se mon.ey from inve.sting in Pen.ny St.ocks. To be removed from further emails send email to 

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