Forums: Open Discussion (Thread #30448)

履歴保存時のfor_search項目が無いSQLエラーの件 (2011-09-23 19:39 by domifara #59728)

line 736で
// store a content into history table (before delete or update)
function pico_transact_backupcontent( $mydirname , $content_id , $forced = false )
global $xoopsUser , $xoopsModuleConfig ;

$db =& Database::getInstance() ;

$histories_per_content = intval( @$xoopsModuleConfig['histories_per_content'] ) ;
$minlifetime_per_history = intval( @$xoopsModuleConfig['minlifetime_per_history'] ) ;

// fetch the latest history first
list( $last_ch_id ) = $db->fetchRow( $db->query( "SELECT MAX(content_history_id) FROM ".$db->prefix($mydirname."_content_histories")." WHERE content_id=".intval($content_id) ) ) ;
ここ→ list( $last_ch_modified , $last_ch_4search ) = $db->fetchRow( $db->query( "SELECT `modified_time`,MD5(`for_search`) FROM ".$db->prefix($mydirname."_content_histories")." WHERE content_history_id=".intval($last_ch_id) ) ) ;
list( $current_4search ) = $db->fetchRow( $db->query( "SELECT MD5(`for_search`) FROM ".$db->prefix($mydirname."_contents")." WHERE content_id=".intval($content_id) ) ) ;

// compare for_search fileld (it is not saved if identical)
判定 if( ! $forced && $current_4search == $last_ch_4search ) return ;

// min life time of each history
if( $minlifetime_per_history > 0 && $last_ch_modified > time() - $minlifetime_per_history ) return ;

// max histories
if( $histories_per_content > 0 ) {
do {
list( $ch_count , $min_ch_id ) = $db->fetchRow( $db->query( "SELECT COUNT(*),MIN(content_history_id) FROM ".$db->prefix($mydirname."_content_histories")." WHERE content_id=".intval($content_id) ) ) ;
if( $ch_count >= $histories_per_content ) {
$db->queryF( "DELETE FROM ".$db->prefix($mydirname."_content_histories")." WHERE content_history_id=".intval($min_ch_id) ) ;
} while( $ch_count >= $histories_per_content ) ;

$uid = is_object( $xoopsUser ) ? $xoopsUser->getVar('uid') : 0 ;
if( ! $db->queryF( "INSERT INTO ".$db->prefix($mydirname."_content_histories")." (content_id,vpath,cat_id,created_time,modified_time,poster_uid,poster_ip,modifier_uid,modifier_ip,subject,htmlheader,body,filters,tags,extra_fields) SELECT content_id,vpath,cat_id,created_time,modified_time,poster_uid,poster_ip,modifier_uid,modifier_ip,subject,htmlheader,body,filters,tags,extra_fields FROM ".$db->prefix($mydirname."_contents")." WHERE content_id=".intval($content_id) ) ) die( _MD_PICO_ERR_SQL.__LINE__ ) ;
// store a content into history table (before delete or update)
function pico_transact_backupcontent( $mydirname , $content_id , $forced = false )
global $xoopsUser , $xoopsModuleConfig ;

$db =& Database::getInstance() ;

$histories_per_content = intval( @$xoopsModuleConfig['histories_per_content'] ) ;
$minlifetime_per_history = intval( @$xoopsModuleConfig['minlifetime_per_history'] ) ;

// fetch the latest history first
list( $last_ch_id ) = $db->fetchRow( $db->query( "SELECT MAX(content_history_id) FROM ".$db->prefix($mydirname."_content_histories")." WHERE content_id=".intval($content_id) ) ) ;
//FIX by domifara 2011.09.21
// list( $last_ch_modified , $last_ch_4search ) = $db->fetchRow( $db->query( "SELECT `modified_time`,MD5(`for_search`) FROM ".$db->prefix($mydirname."_content_histories")." WHERE content_history_id=".intval($last_ch_id) ) ) ;
// list( $current_4search ) = $db->fetchRow( $db->query( "SELECT MD5(`for_search`) FROM ".$db->prefix($mydirname."_contents")." WHERE content_id=".intval($content_id) ) ) ;
list( $last_ch_modified , $last_ch_4search ) = $db->fetchRow( $db->query( "SELECT `modified_time`,MD5(`body`) FROM ".$db->prefix($mydirname."_content_histories")." WHERE content_history_id=".intval($last_ch_id) ) ) ;
list( $current_4search ) = $db->fetchRow( $db->query( "SELECT MD5(`body`) FROM ".$db->prefix($mydirname."_contents")." WHERE content_id=".intval($content_id) ) ) ;

// compare for_search fileld (it is not saved if identical)
if( ! $forced && $current_4search == $last_ch_4search ) return ;

// min life time of each history
if( $minlifetime_per_history > 0 && $last_ch_modified > time() - $minlifetime_per_history ) return ;

// max histories
if( $histories_per_content > 0 ) {
do {
list( $ch_count , $min_ch_id ) = $db->fetchRow( $db->query( "SELECT COUNT(*),MIN(content_history_id) FROM ".$db->prefix($mydirname."_content_histories")." WHERE content_id=".intval($content_id) ) ) ;
if( $ch_count >= $histories_per_content ) {
$db->queryF( "DELETE FROM ".$db->prefix($mydirname."_content_histories")." WHERE content_history_id=".intval($min_ch_id) ) ;
} while( $ch_count >= $histories_per_content ) ;

$uid = is_object( $xoopsUser ) ? $xoopsUser->getVar('uid') : 0 ;
if( ! $db->queryF( "INSERT INTO ".$db->prefix($mydirname."_content_histories")." (content_id,vpath,cat_id,created_time,modified_time,poster_uid,poster_ip,modifier_uid,modifier_ip,subject,htmlheader,body,filters,tags,extra_fields) SELECT content_id,vpath,cat_id,created_time,modified_time,poster_uid,poster_ip,modifier_uid,modifier_ip,subject,htmlheader,body,filters,tags,extra_fields FROM ".$db->prefix($mydirname."_contents")." WHERE content_id=".intval($content_id) ) ) die( _MD_PICO_ERR_SQL.__LINE__ ) ;