[PRb-list] Lieve it had been wandering through some f

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Clay Ro cliqu****@dgzrs*****
2010年 9月 30日 (木) 09:13:43 JST

Your bag. The coach will start for the train at three o'clock, and it
is now nearly half-past two; that will just give me time to write to
Hendricks. Go!" Martin rose. Whatever happened afterwards, he must go
now. It seemed to him as if the
whole world had suddenly grown colder; as if he had been floating in a
fog and had neared an iceberg. Could it be possible that she had
spoken, as she had spoken, simply to get rid of him? He could not
believe it. No one with such honest eyes could speak in that way; and

yet he did not know what to believe. In any case, he would go away in
the coach. He had spoken to Sadler, and now, whether he spoke to any
one else or not, the sooner he left the better. When he came to take
the coach, Peter Sadler, who had rolled

himself to the front of the house, handed him the letter he had
written. "I believe you are made of the right kind of stuff," he said,
you've got a little mouldy by bein' lazy out there in the woods, but
you're all right now; and what you've got to do is to go ahead with a
will, and, take my word for it, you'll come out on top. Do you want
any money? No? Very well, then,
goodbye. You needn't
trouble yourself to write to me, I'll hear about you from Hendricks;
and I'd rather know what he thinks about
you than what you think about yourself." "How little you know,"
thought Martin, as he entered the coach, "what I am or what I think
about myself. As if my purpose could be changed by words of yours!"
And he smiled a smile which would have done justice to Arthur Raybold.
The chill had gone out of him; he was warm again.
On the train he read the letter to Hendricks which Peter Sadler had
given to him unsealed. It was a long letter, and he read it twice.
he sat and gazed out of the window at the flying scenery for nearly
half an hour,
after which he read the letter again. Then he folded it up and put
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