[Prime-cvs] And then the Martian laughed.

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Shiv Jekielek Shiv_Jekie****@sfrou*****
2007年 8月 14日 (火) 15:47:16 JST

H+u-g,e N,e,w+s To Im_pact C.Y,T,V 

Chin'a YouT*V C+o*r,p+. 

S,ymbol: C-Y-T.V 

We h*a v.e al.ready s-e-e'n CYTV.'s mark_et im.pact be_fore climbi*,ng to o*v.e r $2..00 w+i t,h n,e'w s_. 

Pres,s Relea'se: 
Chi.na YouTV',s CnBo*o W*e+b S_i,t,e Ra nks N'o-.,1 on Micr' osoft L i-v.e Se+arch Engi*ne 

CnBo+o Traff'ic Increa ,ses 4-9.% O'v e-r T-w_o M-onths 

R*e_a,d t.h-e ne,ws, thin'k a'bout t'h e impact_, and

j*u*m p on t.h.i s fir,st thi+ng Tomor'ro*w mor.ni ng!  $0.,42 is a g'i f.t at t h.i.s pri_c_e..... 

Do y-o'u_r ho  mework a'n.d watc-h t-h-i*s trad'e Mon.day morning . 

I thin k it w-a_s t'h'e nightshi,_rt on t+h+e d*o o_r l.atch t*h'a,t d*i.d h+e,r in.
S-pe*cifies a wi*ndow to w,hich t'h e v,ideo windo w w'i,l.l p-o-s*t m.e-ssages. 
If natu*ral languag*_e p_r+ocessing tech*nol'ogy advanc*e_s to t-h.e poin*t t-h+a t a mach+ine co+uld tra__nslate t'h i s En glish t e+x*t i+n t+o exec,utabl'e co+de, c-ould t'h'e t*e'x*t t h,e*n be s+uppres-sed und.er t,h'e D'M*C*A-. 

It w+a,s l i'k_e t alking to o-n'e or t+w*o pe_ople at t h e s a-m*e t*i-m e-. 

Ga*lacti-c Centra'l h+opes t*h*a-t y_o*u woul.d elec't to c'on.tinue on w+i-t h us.

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