[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - Gtk::TextBuffer

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ruby-****@lists***** ruby-****@lists*****
2003年 4月 7日 (月) 17:20:09 JST


= class Gtk::TextBuffer

== super class
* GLib::Object

== class methods
--- Gtk::TextBuffer.new

== public instance methods
--- add_selection_clipboard
--- apply_tag
--- begin_user_action
--- bounds
--- char_count
--- copy_clipboard
--- create_child_anchor
--- create_mark
--- create_tag
--- cut_clipboard
--- delete
--- delete_interactive
--- delete_mark
--- delete_selection
--- end_iter
--- end_user_action
--- get_iter_at_child_anchor
--- get_iter_at_line
--- get_iter_at_line_index
--- get_iter_at_line_offset
--- get_iter_at_mark
--- get_iter_at_offset
--- get_mark
--- get_slice
--- get_text
--- text=
--- set_text
--- insert
--- insert_at_cursor
--- insert_child_anchor
--- insert_interactive
--- insert_interactive_at_cursor
--- insert_pixbuf
--- insert_range
--- insert_range_interactive
--- insert_with_tags
--- line_count
--- modified?
--- modified=
--- set_modified
--- move_mark
--- paste_clipboard
--- place_cursor
--- remove_all_tags
--- remove_selection_clipboard
--- remove_tag
--- selection_bound
--- selection_bounds
--- start_iter
--- tag_table

== signals
--- apply-tag
--- begin-user-action
--- changed
--- delete-range
--- end-user-action
--- insert-child-anchor
--- insert-pixbuf
--- insert-text
--- mark-deleted
--- mark-set
--- modified-changed
--- remove-tag

== See Also

* 2003-04-07 ((<Masao>)): Move from The RWiki.
* 2002-12-22 ((<OGASAWARA>))

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