[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - GLib::Type

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2003年 4月 7日 (月) 21:10:18 JST


= class GLib::Type

The GLib Runtime type identification and management system

The GLib::Type API is the foundation of the GObject system. It provides the facilities for registering and managing all fundamental data types, user-defined object and interface types. 

== class methods

--- GLib::Type.new(key)
--- GLib::Type[key]
    Get a GLib::Type for the key.
    * key: type identifier. should be String or Integer.
    * Returns: a new GLib::Type

== public instance methods

--- to_i
    * Returns: integer valued type identifier

--- to_s
--- name
    * Returns: type name

--- fundamental
    * Returns: the fundamental type which is the ancestor of type. Fundamental types are types that serve as fundaments for the derived types, thus they are the roots of distinct inheritance hierarchies.

--- parent
    * Returns: 

--- depth
    * Returns: 

--- next_base
    * Returns: 

--- type_is_a?(type)
    * type:
    * Returns: 

--- children
    * Returns: 

--- interfaces
    * Returns: 

--- class_size
    * Returns: 

--- instance_size
    * Returns: 

--- fundamental?
    * Returns: true if the instance is a fundamental type.

--- derived?
    * Returns:

--- interfaced?
    * Returns:

--- classed?
    * Returns:

--- instantiatable?
    * Returns:

--- derivable?
    * Returns:

--- deep_derivable?
    * Returns:

--- abstract?
    * Returns: 

--- value_abstract?
    * Returns: 

--- value_type?
    * Returns: 

--- has_value_table
    * Returns: 

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