2003年 3月 30日 (日) 03:36:18 JST
------------------------- REMOTE_ADDR = REMOTE_HOST = ------------------------- = How to write this site This site is written with RD+. RD+ means RD with some additional rules. == About RD See the documents below. * ((<RD working draft|URL:>)) * ((<Embedded Documentation in Programming Ruby|URL:>)) == About Additional Rules === ModuleNames ModuleNames page is a module list for the link extension. The modules entried in ModuleNames create the links properly. So it isn't required to surround Classes/Modules with (('((< >))')). * For href links * Hoge::Foo - Class name * Hoge::FOO - Constant * Hoge::Foo#bar - Instance method * - Class method * - Module method * For linked names * Class method - "---" * Instance method - "--- bar" #Method only. And before you use this, write the module name to the ModuleNames page what you need. === Auto-generated anchor ==== RD style ((<URL:url>)) ((<name|URL:url>)) * name - Displayed words. * url - URL e.g. ((<URL:>)) ((<hoge|>)) result <a href=""></a> <a href="">hoge</a> Image URLs(suffix = png, jpg, jpeg, gif) extend as image. ==== InterWiki style InterWiki is a mechanism to generate links automatically from dictionary(InterWikiName page). ((<name|key:option>)) * name - Displayed words. * key - keyword. Replace InterWikiName's URL if the key is existed. * option - Add the URL(Omitable). e.g. ((<Hiki>)) ((<masao:20020329>)) ((<Here|bibo:20020329>)) result <a href="">Hiki</a> <a href="">masao</a> <a href="">Here</a> ==== How to write InterWikiName page InterWikiName page's format is (('[[keyword|url]]')) charset. *[[Hiki|]] euc *[[masao|]] euc == How to write API Reference See other files. Please ask me if you need help. == Misc Try it ((<Practice Page>))! - ((<Masao>)) ------------------------- = How to write this site This site is written with RD+. RD+ means RD with some additional rules. == About RD See the documents below. * ((<RD working draft|URL:>)) * ((<Embedded Documentation in Programming Ruby|URL:>)) == About Additional Rules === ModuleNames ModuleNames page is a module list for the link extension. The modules entried in ModuleNames create the links properly. So it isn't required to surround Classes/Modules with (('((< >))')). * For href links * Hoge::Foo - Class name * Hoge::FOO - Constant * Hoge::Foo#bar - Instance method * - Class method * - Module method * For linked names * Class method - "---" * Instance method - "--- bar" #Method only. And before you use this, write the module name to the ModuleNames page what you need. === Auto-generated anchor ==== RD style ((<URL:url>)) ((<name|URL:url>)) * name - Displayed words. * url - URL e.g. ((<URL:>)) ((<hoge|>)) result <a href=""></a> <a href="">hoge</a> Image URLs(suffix = png, jpg, jpeg, gif) extend as image. ==== InterWiki style InterWiki is a mechanism to generate links automatically from dictionary(InterWikiName page). ((<name|key:option>)) * name - Displayed words. * key - keyword. Replace InterWikiName's URL if the key is existed. * option - Add the URL(Omitable). e.g. ((<Hiki>)) ((<masao:20020329>)) ((<Here|bibo:20020329>)) result <a href="">Hiki</a> <a href="">masao</a> <a href="">Here</a> ==== How to write InterWikiName page InterWikiName page's format is (('[[keyword|url]]')) charset. *[[Hiki|]] euc *[[masao|]] euc == Plugins === status plugin Create status table easily. {{status 'Title', ' GLib::Type|GType|#|hoge GLib::TypePlugin|GTypePlugin|#|hoge '}} (*) Use '(single quote) but "(double quote) == How to write API Reference See other files. Please ask me if you need help. == Misc Try it ((<Practice Page>))! - ((<Masao>))