[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - Gda::Parameter

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2004年 1月 3日 (土) 06:31:56 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/?Gda%3A%3AParameter
  = class Gda::Parameter
  Parameters are the way clients have to send an unlimited number of arguments
  to the providers.
  == Object Hierarchy
  * Object
    * GLib::Boxed
      * Gda::Parameter
  == Class Methods
  --- Gda::Parameter.new(name, value)
-     Can be nil.
      Creates a new Gda::Parameter object, which is usually used with
      Gda::ParameterList.  Raises an exception if the 'value' parameter is
      an unknown object (not nil, boolean, string, integer or Gda::Value).
      * name: the name for the parameter being created. 
-     * value: a value for the parameter, which can be either a boolean, string, integer, or an existing Gda::Value.  
+     * value: a value for the parameter, which can be either a boolean, string, integer, or an existing Gda::Value (it can be nil as well).   
      * Returns: a newly created Gda::Parameter object.
  == Instance Methods
  --- name
      This method returns the name of the parameter.
      * Returns: the name of the parameter.
  --- name=(name)
      Sets the name of the parameter.
      * name: new name for the parameter.  
      * Returns: the given parameter 'name'.
  --- set_name(name)
      Sets the name of the parameter.
      * name: new name for the parameter.  
      * Returns: self.
  --- set_value(value)
      Sets the value of the parameter.
      * value: new value for the parameter, as a Gda::Value object.  
      * Returns: self.
  --- value
      This method returns the value of the parameter, as a Gda::Value object.
      * Returns: the value of the parameter, as a Gda::Value object.
  --- value=(value)
      Sets the value of the parameter.
      * value: new value for the parameter, as a Gda::Value object.  
      * Returns: the given parameter 'value'.
  == See Also
  - ((<lrz>))

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